Dewall (noble family)

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Family coat of arms of those of de Wall

Dewall , also van de Wall or von de Wall , is the name of a Dutch - Westphalian noble family .


The patrician family first appears in a document in 1429 with Leonhard von de Wall (or, according to older literature, Theod. = Theodericus / Diederik van de Wall ), Burgrave of Nijmegen . Since Zedlitz, following this dignity, only the most respected families of the Geldern knighthood and in particular the Ryks van Nijmegen were enfeoffed , the age of the sex could be considered much higher. When the Spanish-Dutch struggles for religion and freedom broke out , the gender declared itself in favor of the new religious doctrine and the House of Orange . Driven from their possessions in the wake of the various vicissitudes of the war, the family took refuge in Holland . From there a branch later turned to the Duchy of Cleves . The documented uninterrupted line of trunks begins with the timber merchant Hendrik von de Wall (approx. 1580–1650), who married in 1610 in Wesel . On December 2, 1802, Emperor Franz II ennobled the heir to Schmidthausen near Kleve, Kasimir van de Wall (1773–1826), to the imperial nobility (or the nobility was renewed and he was reassigned to the German imperial nobility), connected with the Permission to change the family name to von Dewall and the lion coat of arms. On June 9, 1835, the Westphalian branch, the descendants of Casimir von Dewall ( Casimir Dewall ; 1773–1826), received the Prussian nobility recognition via ministerial rescript . A sex association was established on October 1, 1909.

United coat of arms of the van de Wall Repelaer in the Wapenboek van den Nederlandschen nobility , 1883. In 1 and 4: Repelaer coat of arms : a silver spoonbill in green, 2 and 3: Van de Wall coat of arms.

In the Netherlands, the council of Dordrecht , Pieter Hendrik van de Wall van Puttershoek (1795-1853) was raised to the Dutch nobility by royal decree of December 6, 1827 . He was married to jonkvrouw Maria Jacoba Repelaer (1802–1862). However, since he died without heirs, the noble family he founded died out. However, his nephew, son of his brother-in-law Paulus Repelaer (1810–1871), Pieter Hendrik Repelaer (1854–1920), heir to Puttershoek , who had been a member of the Dutch nobility since 1816, obtained a change of name from van de Wall Repelaer in 1856 . This family continues like the patrician van de Wall.

Coat of arms of the van de Wall in Johannes Baptista Rietstap's Wapenboek van den Nederlandschen Adel , 1883
Coat of arms of those of Dewall (1802)

coat of arms

  • The Dutch branch van de Wall had a quartered coat of arms (= family coat of arms ), one in black with a gold star , two and three in silver without a picture, four in black without a picture. On the helmet with black and silver helmet covers a golden star between open, right silver, left black flight .
  • The 1802 awarded coat of arms Prussian-Westphalia and in the Hessen Servant what has been Dewall shows a red crowned silver lion . On the helmet with red-silver covers the lion growing between a red flight.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nederlandse surname bank : Wall, van de / der (Accessed February 22, 2019.)
  2. ^ Burggraven en Richters van Nijmegen (Accessed February 22, 2019.)
  3. Hans Kasper Arkstée: Nymegen, de oude Hoofdstad the Batavieren. Amsterdam 1733, p. 279. (
  4. cf. Jacobus Kok: Vaderlandsch-, geschied-, aardrijks-, geslacht- en statkundig woordenboek. Volume 8, Amsterdam 1787, p. 1161. (
  5. ^ A b c Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Prussian Adels Lexicon , Volume 1, Leipzig 1839, p. 125. (
  6. a b c d e GHdA , Adelslexikon , Volume II, Volume 58 of the complete series, 1974, p. 467.
  7. ^ PC Molhuysen and PJ Blok: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek. Volume 9, Leiden 1918, p. 1275 f. (
  8. LA van Weleveld: Handboek van den Nederlandsche nobility. 's Gravenhage 1848, p. 134. ( On the ennobled Dordrecht patrician family Repelaer cf. also PC Molhuysen and PJ Blok: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek. Volume 4, Leiden 1918, pp. 1140-1143. (
  9. Nederland's Patriciaat. Volume 38, 1952, pp. 358-377 (new edition 2012).
  10. ^ Otto Titan von Hefner , Alfred Grenser , George Adalbert von Mülverstedt , Adolf Matthias Hildebrandt : J. Siebmacher's large and general book of arms . Volume II, Section 2, Volume 1, The blossoming nobility of the Kingdom of Prussia: Nobles. 1878, p. 115, Tfl. 154.
  11. Otto Titan von Hefner: J. Siebmacher's large and general book of arms. III. Volume, 4th Division, The Nobility of the Electorate, Grand Duchy and the Landgraviate of Hesse. 1859, p. 7, Tfl. 6th
  12. ^ Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Volume 3, Leiden 1914, Sp. 1383. (