Hohenbucko village church

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Hohenbucko village church (2017)

The Protestant village church Hohenbucko is a listed building in the community Hohenbucko on the western edge of the Rochauer Heide in the southern Brandenburg district of Elbe-Elster . It is listed as a landmark building in the local monument register under registration number 09135197.

Building description and history

The village church Hohenbucko (2017)
The Hohenbuckoer Dorfstraße with the village church (2007).

Today's Hohenbuckoer Kirche is a hall building made of field stone that was built in the second half of the 13th century . To the west of the nave is a ship-wide west transverse tower with a hipped roof . The tower dates from the 14th century and was made of mixed masonry from field stones and bricks. In the east of the ship there is a small apse-like addition made of brick. In the south wall of the church you can find, among other things, two ogival iron stone portals (priest gate and community portal) from which the larger community gate has meanwhile been walled up. There is also a tower gate on the south side.

The church suffered severe damage in a severe village fire in 1502 and during the Thirty Years' War . In the period from 1914 to 1915, structural security was carried out on the church. The apse-like extension of the five-sided sacristy was also created.

The interior of the church is characterized by a flat beamed ceiling and a horseshoe gallery. The pastor's chair on the north side, the box stalls, the eight-sided wooden baptism and the polygonal pulpit altar are from the 18th century . A bronze bell in the tower is dated to 1684 and comes from the workshop of the Wittenberg bell founder Georg Billich . In the church there is a Pietà from the beginning of the 15th century. The church also has two procession poles with crowning chandelier angels from the beginning of the 16th century.

In the church there is a further in the years 1913 and 1914 by the Liebenwerdaer organbuilder Voigt created organ (op. 20). The Hohenbucko organ has a pneumatic cone chest , two manuals and eight registers .

On the north side of the building there is an 18th century tombstone with putti and God's eye . Immediately in front of the church there is also a memorial to the fallen in honor of the villagers who died in the two world wars.

Other attractions of the place include the rectory , the Hohenbuckoer Oberförsterei , the Lochmühle , a historic farm and a post mile column .

Literature (selection)

  • Sybille Gramlich / Irmelin Küttner: Elbe-Elster district part 1: The city of Herzberg / Elster and the offices of Falkenberg / Uebigau, Herzberg, Schlieben and Schönewalde , p. 201, ISBN 978-3884621523
  • Georg Dehio: Handbook of the German art monuments - Brandenburg . 2nd Edition. 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 , pp. 480 .

Web links

Commons : Dorfkirche Hohenbucko  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Notes and individual references

  1. a b c d e database of the Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and the State Archaeological Museum ( Memento of the original from December 9, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed November 14, 2018. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / bldam-brandenburg.de
  2. While the monument database, the Dehio and the Askanierwelten write of a field stone building, the church at Gramlich is referred to as a granite block building.
  3. ^ A b Georg Dehio: Handbook of German Art Monuments - Brandenburg . 2nd Edition. 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 , pp. 480 .
  4. a b c Sybille Gramlich / Irmelin Küttner: Elbe-Elster district, part 1: The city of Herzberg / Elster and the offices of Falkenberg / Uebigau, Herzberg, Schlieben and Schönewalde , p. 201, ISBN 978-3884621523
  5. a b c The Hohenbuckoer Dorfkirche on www.askanier-welten.de , accessed on November 15, 2018
  6. Cultural Office of the Elbe-Elster district, Bad Liebenwerda district museum, Sparkasse Elbe-Elster (ed.): Orgellandschaft Elbe-Elster . Herzberg / Elster 2005, p. 61 .
  7. ^ Organ database , accessed on November 15, 2018.
  8. Online project Memorial Monuments , accessed on November 15, 2018.

Coordinates: 51 ° 46 ′ 2.6 ″  N , 13 ° 28 ′ 1.3 ″  E