Edgar Aristizábal Quintero

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Monseñor Edgar Aristizabal.jpg
coat of arms

Edgar Aristizábal Quintero (born December 2, 1965 in Cartago ) is a Colombian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Yopal .


Edgar Aristizábal Quintero studied at the seminaries in Cali , Cartago and Manizales . On December 7, 1990, he received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of Cartago . After further studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University , he obtained a licentiate in biblical theology .

After his ordination he worked as a pastor in Cartago. He headed the boys' seminary of the Cartago diocese and later the diocese's seminary. From 2009 he was director of the Doctrine of the Faith Department of the Colombian Bishops' Conference .

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on May 4, 2011 auxiliary bishop in Medellín and titular bishop of Castra Galbae . The Archbishop of Medellín, Ricardo Antonio Tobón Restrepo , donated him episcopal ordination on June 4th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Jairo Jaramillo Monsalve , Archbishop of Barranquilla , and José Alejandro Castaño Arbeláez OAR , Bishop of Cartago . As a motto he chose Gaudete In Domino Semper .

Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Yopal on May 4, 2017. The inauguration took place on June 17th of the same year.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nomina di Ausiliari di Medellín (Colombia). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , May 4, 2011, accessed May 4, 2017 (Italian).
  2. a b c Nomina del Vescovo di Yopal (Colombia). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , May 4, 2017, accessed May 4, 2017 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Misael Vacca Ramírez Bishop of Yopal
since 2017