Eduard Pierer

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Eduard Pierer von Esch (born January 21, 1848 in Mattsee as Eduard Pierer ; † January 27, 1902 in Przemyśl by suicide ) was an Austrian officer and lieutenant field marshal .


Eduard Pierer was the son of kk Bezirksvorstehers of Kremsmünster and was used as Upper Austria - corporative pen Ling (C.-I. Marburg) at the Institute Military Basic Education added. As a member of the Kuk Infantry Regiment No. 59 , he was promoted to Second Class Lieutenant on May 1, 1866 and took part in the campaign in South Tyrol in 1866 . From 1872 he was an officer in the general staff . He was promoted from lieutenant to first lieutenant in November 1874. In November 1877, when he was transferred to Infantry Regiment No. 47, he was promoted from "First Lieutenant General Staff Officer" to First Class Captain. A year later he was briefly reassigned to the General Staff and then took part in the occupation campaign in Bosnia with Infantry Regiment No. 47 in the same year . In 1880 he was reappointed to the General Staff, was assigned to mapping in 1881 and then from 1882 to the military command in Zara . In the employment as a provisional General Staff chief of the 34th Infantry Troop Division from 1885 he was promoted to major . In 1887 he was transferred to the 5th department of the Imperial and Royal War Ministry and in the following year he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the military chancellery of Sr. Majesty the Emperor and King . From December 1893 to August 1896 he was Colonel in command of Infantry Regiment No. 7 and from then on in command of the 16th Infantry Brigade in Trento . In May 1897 he was appointed major general in this use . On October 9, 1900, Pierer was raised to the Austrian nobility. He had earned the title of nobility for 280 crowns . As part of the ennoblement, he added the maiden name Esch to his wife Valerie. On November 1, 1900, he was appointed commander of the Landwehr troop division in Przemyśl and was consequently appointed field marshal-lieutenant.

Eduard Pierer von Esch became mentally ill and died by being shot dead by suicide . He was the grandfather of Heinrich von Pierer , who in turn was the second son of his only son Leo Carl Oskar Eduard Pierer von Esch (1895–1992) - also a career officer.


  • 1868: Commemorative medal for the campaign in South Tyrol in 1866
  • Commander II class of the Duke of Saxony-Ernestine House Order
  • 1873: Campaign Medal
  • Badge III. class
  • Austrian-Imperial Leopold Order I Class (associated with this he was entitled to the title of nobility)
  • Silver jubilee court medal
  • 1898: Jubilee Commemorative Medal 1898
  • 1866: Tyrolean national defense medal


  • Pierer, Eduard. In: Friedrich Gatti: History of the K. and K. Technical Military Academy: Th. History of the KK Bombardier Corps, the KK Artillery Secondary School, and the KK Artillery Academy, 1786-1869. W. Braumüller , 1905, p. 720. ( limited preview in Google book search)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c See reference Friedrich Gatti: History of the K. and K. Technical Military Academy… .
  2. Personnel news in the army. November advancement. Military newspaper, No. 86, 27th year, October 28, 1874, p. 3 ( limited preview in the Google book search; here p. 551).
  3. ^ Official part. November advancement in the Imperial and Royal Army. Der Bote für Tirol and Vorarlberg, No. 249, October 30, 1877, p. 1.
  4. ^ Official part. Laibacher Zeitung, No. 283, 112th year, December 11, 1893, p. 1.
  5. Official. Bozner Nachrichten , No. 187, 3rd year, August 18, 1896, p. 1.
  6. ^ Official part. Laibacher Zeitung, No. 95, year 116, April 28, 1897, p. 1.
  7. ^ A b Pierer von Esch, Eduard. In: Antonio Schmidt-Brentano: The kk or kuk generality 1816-1918. ( Memento of the original from October 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Austrian State Archives , 2007, p. 138.
  8. Pierer v. Esch. In: Hans Friedrich von Ehrenkrook : Genealogical manual of the nobility . XXII. Volume 115; Volume 127, CA Starke, 1998, ISBN 978-3-7980-0815-1 , p. 312 f.
  9. Daily News - Appointment. Bozner Zeitung , No. 245, October 25, 1900, p. 2.
  10. FML Pierer's suicide. Meraner Zeitung, No. 13, 36th year, January 29, 1902, p. 6.
  11. Ansgar Graw : Herr von Pierer and his name. World on Sunday , August 24, 2008.
  12. ^ Heinrich von Pierer. ( Memento of the original from April 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Wirtschaftswoche .
  13. ^ Colonel of Austria. General Staff Corps, later K. and K. Field Marshal Lieutenant Pierer von Esch, Eduard , Thuringia archives portal.