Enemésio Ângelo Lazzaris

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Enemésio Ângelo Lazzaris

Enemésio Ângelo Lazzaris FDP (born December 19, 1948 in Siderópolis , Brazil ; † February 2, 2020 in Araguaína , Brazil) was a Brazilian religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Balsas .


Enemésio Ângelo Lazzaris joined the religious order of the Sons of Divine Providence (also: Orionites ), made his profession on October 27, 1974 and, after his theological training, was ordained a priest on July 26, 1975 . He was pastor of the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Araguaína, director of the Colégio Dom Orione de São Sebastião in Rio de Janeiro and superior of the northern province of Brazil of the Congregation for the Little Work of Divine Providence.

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Balsas on December 12, 2007 . The Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão , José Belisário da Silva OFM , donated him episcopal ordination on March 29 of the next year ; Co- consecrators were Paulo Antônio de Conto , Bishop of Criciúma , and Aloísio Hilário de Pinho FDP, Bishop of Jataí . As a motto he chose IN TUA VERBUM .

In the Brazilian Bishops' Conference ( Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil , CNBB) Bishop Lazzaris was known as a champion for the cause of the poor and for social justice. He was a member of the Caritas Commission of the Bishops' Conference, the Commission Justitia et Pax , the working group to combat work and exploitation similar to slavery, from 2012 to 2018 chairman of the Comissão Pastoral da Terra and from 2017 to 2019 chairman of the commission against human trafficking . He was particularly committed to resolving agricultural conflicts with large landowners and submitted official complaints to the Brazilian government against slave labor and the murder of Indians.

Web links


  1. a b Morre aos 71 anos dom Enemésio Ângelo Lazzaris bispo de Balsas (MA) , accessed on February 4, 2020.
  2. "Dom Enemésio Ângelo Lazzaris morre em Araguaína aos 71 anos" on clebertoledo.com.br of February 3, 2020, accessed on February 5, 2020.
predecessor Office successor
Gianfranco Masserdotti MCCI Bishop of Balsas
Valentim Fagundes de Meneses MSC