Ernst Friedrich von Twickel

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Ernst Friedrich von Twickel (born October 3, 1683 at Haus Havixbeck ; † January 28, 1734 in Hildesheim ) was a priest, diplomat, high-ranking official and from 1723 to 1729 auxiliary bishop in Hildesheim .

Ernst Friedrich Freiherr von Twickel, auxiliary bishop in Hildesheim. Painting by Antoine Pesne , 1730, in Haus Havixbeck .


His father was Christoph Bernhard von Twickel zu Havixbeck. The mother was Anna Franziska Sybilla (born von Droste zu Senden).

He attended the Paulinum high school of the Jesuits in Munster . Twickel entered the clergy and received the first tonsure in 1694 . A year later he received a cathedral pretext in Speyer . He gave this up in 1729. Between 1705 and 1708 he studied at the Collegium Germanicum in Rome . There he was ordained a priest in 1707 . In 1708 he enrolled at the University of Siena .

In the same year he received a cathedral praise from the Pope in Hildesheim. In the diocese of Hildesheim von Twickel held the archdeaconate in Goslar between 1709 and 1718 . Also in 1709 he was sworn to the knighthood of the Landtag of the Principality of Münster .

In Rome he met the archbishop and elector of Cologne Joseph Clemens of Bavaria, who was in exile there. Von Twickel essentially owed his further rise to this. In 1713 and 1714 von Twickel was the Elector's envoy to the peace congresses in Utrecht and Rastatt to end the War of the Spanish Succession .

In 1715 Joseph Clemens, who was also Prince-Bishop of Hildesheim, made him President of the Court Chamber of the Duchy of Hildesheim . In 1719 von Twickel traveled to Hanover on a diplomatic mission . In gratitude for his commitment to the election of Clemens August I of Bavaria as Bishop of Münster, von Twickel was appointed to the curb-Bavarian Privy Council. In the same year he received a cathedral praise in Münster. In 1723 he traveled again to Hanover as envoy extraordinary.

Also in 1723 he was appointed by Clemens August, who was also elector of Cologne, to the real secret councilor of Cologne. As Bishop of Hildesheim, he appointed him official and vicar general . At the request of the elector, Twickel was appointed auxiliary bishop by the pope. His titular bishopric was Botrys . In the ecclesiastical field he was also archdeacon of Elze from 1725 to 1732 and of Hildesheim from 1732 to 1734. In 1728 he gave up his canon position in Münster, but in 1729, after the resignation of his brother Johann Wilhelm, he was given a prebend again. In 1727 he was elected provost by the cathedral chapter . He was valued in the Church for his zeal for pastoral care and his impeccable priestly conduct.

In the secular area, Clemens August appointed him governor and district president in 1727. Thus the entire ecclesiastical and secular power of the diocese and monastery of Hildesheim was united in the hand of Twickels as deputy of Clemens August. The construction of the Hildesheim bishop's residence from 1729 is mainly due to his dedication .

Furthermore, von Twickel was on various diplomatic missions. In 1730 he led negotiations with the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I in Berlin. He really appreciated von Twickel.

Von Twickel was Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael Knights .

He died at the age of 50 and was buried in Hildesheim Cathedral.


  • Wilhelm Kohl : The dioceses of the church province Cologne. The diocese of Münster 7.4: The diocese . Berlin, 2004 ISBN 978-3-11-018010-7 (Germania Sacra NF 37.4) p. 82f.
  • Konrad Algermissen : Clemens August , Bishop of Hildesheim. In: Rudolf Lill (ed.): Elector Clemens August. Sovereign and patron of the 18th century. DuMont Schauberg, Cologne 1961, p. 31 (catalog of the exhibition of the same name).

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