Fadrique Enríquez

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Coat of arms of the Admiral of Castile
Execution of the Comuneros of Castile, by Antonio Gisbert (1834–1902)

Fadrique Enríquez (* around 1465, † 1538 ) was 4th Admiral of Castile and played a decisive role in the suppression of the revolt of the Comuneros .


Fadrique Enríquez was the son of Alonso Enríquez (1435–1485) and María de Velasco . He inherited his father's property in Palencia including the castle in Medina de Rioseco , Valladolid , Castile and León , Spain . On February 14, 1490, he was appointed Admiral of Castile by the " Catholic Kings ( Reyes Cátolicos ) " Ferdinand II of Aragón and Isabella I of Castile .
He was a cousin of King Ferdinand II of Aragón, the only son of John II of Aragón and his second wife Juana Enríquez of Córdoba .

Fadrique Enríquez had a very irascible temper and was exiled to Sicily after a dispute with Queen Isabella I of Castile . In 1489 he was rehabilitated and took part in the conquest of Baza and the Battle of Granada , as part of the Reconquista of the "Catholic Kings ( Reyes Cátolicos )".

During his stay in Sicily he married the very wealthy Ana de Cabrera († 1523), Countess of Modica , Osona , Cabrera and Bas. The marriage remained childless.
Fadrique Enríquez himself was Count of Melgar, Lord of Medina de Rioseco, Mansilla, Rueda, Aguilar and Villabrajima and was one of the richest people in Spain. His annual income was estimated at 50,000 ducats .

In 1496 he accompanied Joan I, the madwoman, to Flanders , where she married Philip I of Habsburg . On his return, he escorted Philip's sister Archduchess Margaret to Spain, where she married John of Aragón and Castile , Prince of Asturias from the House of Trastámara .

Fadrique achieved his highest political power during the revolt of the Comuneros . In 1520 he was, together with his cousin Íñigo Fernandez de Velasco , 2nd Duke of Frías , governor of Spain in the absence of Charles V. He brought peace and was designed by Charles V with the Order of the Golden Fleece Award.

Fadrique Enríquez was also an art patron of artists such as the Spanish poet Juan Boscán Almogávar .
He was buried next to his wife in the San Francisco Convent in Medina de Rioseco.


  • Angus MacKay, Love, Religion, and Politics in Fifteenth Century Spain, Brill Academic Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-10810-3

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  1. This article has been translated and improved from the English version of Wikipedia .