Franz Leopold von Nádasdy

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Engraved portrait, 18th century; JE Nilson

Franz Leopold Count Nádasdy von Nádasd and Fogarasföld (born September 30, 1708 in Radkersburg , † March 22, 1783 in Karlstadt, today Karlovac ) was an Austrian field marshal and Ban of Croatia .


Nádasdy comes from a Hungarian noble family. He joined the Imperial Army in 1727 and served in the army of the Roman-German Emperor . The general became known for his successes in the War of the Austrian Succession near Neuhaus (1741) in Bohemia, the Battle of Tschaslau (1742), Braunau (1743) and Thrush (1745).

In 1746 he took Piacenza . In 1754 he was promoted to general of the cavalry , in 1756 Nádasdy was appointed Ban of Croatia , which he held until his death.

When the Seven Years War broke out in the same year , Nádasdy led his troops successfully in the battles near Kolin , whereupon he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Maria Theresa Order , and Moys . On November 12, 1757 he conquered Schweidnitz .

After the lost battle of Leuthen (1757) General Nádasdy resigned from military service.

In 1758 Maria Theresa made him Field Marshal of the Imperial Army. Nádasdy returned to Croatia and reformed the border protection in the Balkans .


Through the imperial resolution of Franz Joseph I of February 28, 1863, Count Franz Nádasdy was added to the list of the "most famous warlords and generals of Austria worthy of perpetual emulation" , in whose honor and memory there was also a life-size statue in the general hall of that time The newly established Imperial and Royal Court Weapons Museum (today: Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien ) was built. The statue was created in 1866 by the sculptor József Engel from Carrara marble and was dedicated by the descendants of the count.


Web links

Commons : Ferenc Nádasdy (1708-1783)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Johann Christoph Allmayer-Beck : The Army History Museum Vienna. The museum and its representative rooms . Kiesel Verlag, Salzburg 1981, ISBN 3-7023-0113-5 , p. 34