Franz Maria Ingenmey

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Franz Maria Ingenmey (* 1830 in Bonn ; † June 2, 1878 in Düsseldorf ) was a German genre painter from the Düsseldorf School .


From 1851 Ingenmey worked as a lithographer in the art institute of Ferdinand Piloty and Joseph Loehle ("Piloty & Löhle") in Munich . He had previously received the necessary training there. As a student of the self-taught Erich Correns , he trained as a painter from 1854 onwards. In 1859 he switched to painting and finally settled in Düsseldorf in 1861, where he became a member of the Association of Düsseldorf Artists for Mutual Support and Help and of the Artists' Association of Malkasten . He died of pneumonia at the age of 48.

Ingenmey took part in numerous exhibitions in Düsseldorf, but also in Berlin, Munich and Vienna with his work - intimate representations of individual figures, rural and humorous figure scenes and fairy tale pictures. As part of his work as a lithographer in Munich, he created reproductions from paintings, including for the King Ludwig album published by Piloty & Loehle, which was presented to the Bavarian King Ludwig I on October 9, 1850, Adoration of the Kings after Carl Flegel, Hagar and Ismael in the desert after Julie von Egloffstein , childlike homage (crowning of the bust of Ludwig I) after Bodo Winsel (1806–1865), Bavarian veteran after Anton Kölbl (1771–1832) and Ruth's farewell to Noemi after Max von Menz ( 1824-1895). He also lithographed The Baptism of Christ after the painting by Raphael in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, as well as the portrait of Augsburg mayor Georg von Forndran (1807–1866) after Helisena Girl (1831–1916) and the portrait of Queen Augusta of Prussia, née. Princess of Saxe-Weimar after Friedrich Dürck .

Wood engravings based on Ingenmey's templates also appeared as illustrations , for example Excuse me, ladies for Die Gartenlaube 1869. In particular, he participated in several years of the “Düsseldorfer Künstler-Album” by Arnz & Comp. , among others with a portrait of Wilhelm Camphausen (1863), a portrait of Georgina Schubert (1864), the secret writer after Albert Kindler (1866) and in the vineyard (1875).

Works (selection)

The admired artist , 1871
  • Portrait of a Young Woman at the Window , 1863
  • Girl's Head , 1863
  • Departure for the parish fair , 1863
  • Three children in the park , 1863
  • Dream King and His Love (after Emanuel Geibel ), 1865, Volmer Collection Foundation , Wuppertal
  • He loves me, he doesn't love me , 1865
  • The blocked way home , exhibited in the Sachse art dealer, Berlin, in 1866
  • Young woman with needlework , 1867
  • Invitation to the fairy dance , academic art exhibition Berlin 1870
  • The admired artist , 1871
  • Hunter with dog in a sunny forest clearing , 1871
  • Holy Mary , 1874
  • Farmers with horse carts at the edge of the forest in summer , 1877

As part of the Cologne Dombaulotterie were The Blind Fiddler (1868), girls on Bach (1869) and forest interior (1875) raffled.

Archival material

  • Auth. Letter to the Malkasten Board of Directors, Düsseldorf, December 23, 1873 (Düsseldorf, Malkasten archive)
  • Auth. Letter to Johann Jakob Weber (1803–1880), publisher and founder of the illustrated magazine Leipzig, Düsseldorf, May 17, 1874 (Leipzig, City History Museum, autograph collection)
  • Auth. Letter to the illustrated magazine Leipzig, Düsseldorf, May 26, 1874 (Leipzig, City History Museum, autograph collection)
  • Auth. Letter, Düsseldorf, December 28, 1874 (Bonn, University and State Library, autograph collection)


  • Adolf Seubert (Ed.): General artist lexicon or life and works of the most famous visual artists. Second volume G – N. Published by Ebner & Seubert, Stuttgart 1878.
  • Anonymous: Nekrolog: Franz Maria Ingenmey . In: Art Chronicle . 13th year, Leipzig 1878, p. 598 ( digitized ).
  • Ingenmey, Franz Maria. In: Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. Contribution to art history. Volume 1/2, sheets 31–61: Heideck – Mayer, Louis. Ms. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1895, p. 619 ( ).
  • Hans Wolfgang Singer (Ed.): General artist lexicon. Life and works of the most famous visual artists. Prepared by Hermann Alexander Müller. Volume 2, Literary Institution Rütten & Loening, Frankfurt / Main 1921.
  • Ingenmey, Franz Maria . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 18 : Hubatsch – Ingouf . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1925, p. 594 .
  • Emmanuel Bénézit (founder): Dictionnaire Critique et Documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Volume 5, 1976.
  • Sabine Schroyen (arrangement): Sources on the history of the artists' association Malkasten. A center of bourgeois art and culture in Düsseldorf since 1848. Cologne 1992.
  • Hans Paffrath (Ed.): Lexicon of the Düsseldorf School of Painting 1819–1918. Volume 2: Haach – Murtfeldt. Published by the Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf in the Ehrenhof and by the Paffrath Gallery. Bruckmann, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7654-3010-2 , pp. 158-159 (2 figs.).

Web links

Commons : Franz Maria Ingenmey  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Search result Ingenmey, Franz Maria , website in the portal , accessed on March 6, 2016.
  2. 1840-1878; Singer and actress, u. a. at the Düsseldorf and Frankfurt city theaters.
  3. Description in: Neue Preußische (Kreuz-) Zeitung , supplement 254 of October 30, 1870, p. 5