Friedrich Begemann

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Friedrich Begemann (born September 27, 1803 in Biemsen , Principality of Lippe , †  February 2, 1829 there ) was a German writer and poet .


Begemann was born as the son of a farmer in Biemsen, today a district of the North Rhine-Westphalian town of Bad Salzuflen . Begemann received his first lessons from Pastor Cruel, father of Rudolf Cruel , in Schötmar ; through him Begemann was introduced to literature . Later he attended high schools in Lemgo and Detmold . In Detmold , Begemann joined the Friends of Moritz Leopold Petri (1802–1873, lawyer and writer) and Christian Dietrich Grabbe (1801–1836, playwright ) in 1819 .
His Detmold teacher, Christian Friedrich Falkmann (pseudonym: Eusebius true love ; 1782-1844), promoted Begemann, whose idol ETA Hoffmann , was a literary bent by the reading of Gottfried August Burger , Friedrich von Matthisson , Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis and Friedrich Schiller .

In 1822 Begemann went to Halle and began to study theology there , which he neglected very much. As early as Easter of the following year, Begemann received the “consilium abeundi” because of his participation in the fraternity movement , that is, he was expelled from the university and asked to leave the city. He returned to his homeland in Lippe with the first signs of lung disease . He later continued his studies in Marburg and Jena , but did not graduate, gave up studying theology and decided to become a history teacher. Begemann moved to the University of Erlangen in 1826 , where he received his doctorate in philosophy in 1828 .

After staying in Munich and Jena, his long-fought lung disease came through debauchery and a lack of nutrition. He returned to Biemsen and died there on February 2, 1829 of consumption .

Works (selection)

  • In order to escape the heavy debts during his time in Erlangen, Begemann published the successful collection of poems " Flowers from the Saale "; it was applauded by his colleagues Ludwig Tieck (1773–1853) and Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777–1843). Begemann then referred to the latter as a “continuator of romanticism”.
  • Hermannsschlacht ”, an epic , of which only two songs were completed


  • T. Swart: A forgotten poet of the Lipperland. Friedrich Begemann on the 100th anniversary of his death on February 2, 1929 . In: Lippische Landeszeitung , 163, No. 28 of February 2, 1929.
  • HL Schaefer: Friedrich Begemann (1803-1829). The poet of "Flowers from the Saale" . In: Staercke 1936, pp. 211ff.
  • Friedrich Begemann, a romantic from Lippe . In: Chronik der Gemeinde Lockhausen , Bad Salzuflen, 1982, pp. 251ff.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Goedeke: Lippische Bibliographien , Volume 10, 2nd edition, 1913.
  2. ^ Moritz Leopold Petri : News about the life and writings of the author [F. Begemann] . In: Lippisches Magazin, No. 46, February 10, 1841, Col. 721-730.