Friedrich Ferdinand Leopold von Heidenreich

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Friedrich Ferdinand Leopold Heidenreich , von Heidenreich since 1803 , (born December 18, 1754 in Rüdersdorf , † April 14, 1836 in Berlin ) was a Prussian major general .



He was the son of the local council in Rüdersdorf Friedrich August Heidenreich and his wife Dorothea Luise, née Thiele. His uncle was the chief tribunal president Carl Ludwig Heidenreich (1732–1804).

Military career

In 1771 Heidenreich joined the field artillery of the Prussian Army and took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession in 1778/79 . On January 31, 1779, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant and fought in the First Coalition War in 1792/94 . On April 3, 1795, he was promoted to Prime Lieutenant in the 1st Artillery Regiment. There Heidenreich rose to staff captain on October 12, 1798 and joined the 4th artillery regiment as a captain and company commander on December 4, 1802 . King Friedrich Wilhelm III. Heidenreich was raised to the hereditary Prussian nobility on September 18, 1803 .

During the Fourth Coalition War he fought in the defense of Graudenz and received the order Pour le Mérite on December 9, 1809 . Shortly before the Treaty of Tilsit , he was promoted to major on May 16, 1809 and transferred to the Brandenburg Artillery Brigade on June 21, 1809. Heidenreich fought in the wars of liberation , was on February 24, 1814 lieutenant colonel and on August 6, 1815 Colonel . On March 16, 1816 he received his departure with the character of major general and a pension of 800 thalers. He died in Berlin on April 14, 1836 and was buried in the garrison cemetery on April 17, 1836 .

In his assessment from 1804 it says: "Accurate and useful in service, on which one can count in all cases, of blameless character".


His first wife was Friederike Charlotte Siegfriede Werkentin, with whom Heidenreich had the daughter Luise Friederike Amalie (born April 12, 1800).

After her death, he married Sophie Bernhardine Elisabeth Anderson (born February 3, 1776, † April 19, 1816) from Memel on July 20, 1804 in Königsberg . The couple had several children:

  • Sophie (born July 29, 1806; † after 1837)
  • Ferdinand Ludwig Otto Leopold (1808 - December 12, 1813)
  • Julias Adolf Bernhard Theodor (* 1809; † December 12, 1813)
  • Luise Wilhelmine Charlotte Auguste (born September 17, 1811)
  • Agnes Ferdinandine Bernhardine Henriette (born May 31, 1813)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 393 ( limited preview in Google Book search).