Friedrich von Monau

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Friedrich von Monau , latinized Fridericus Monavius; (* July 30, 1592 in Breslau ; † November 8, 1659 in Greifswald ) was a German professor of medicine.


He was the son of the Wroclaw polymath Jakob Monau and Anna Holzbecker (wooden cup). After the early death of his father, Friedrich grew up with his uncle, the physician Peter Monau . In 1607 he was sent to Michael Döring in Giessen for medical training. In 1608 Monau was matriculated in Wittenberg and heard from Leonhard Hutter , Friedrich Balduin , Wolfgang Franz , Balthasar Meisner , Adam Theodor Siber , Friedrich Taubmann and Johannes Wanckel . In 1612 Monau went to the University of Leipzig , where he a. a. heard from Georg Weinrich and the physician Johann Siglitz. From there he went to Andreas Liebau at the Casimirianum Coburg . Via Altdorf and Strasbourg he went to Giessen and Basel . From 1617 he attended several universities in Italy, Spain and France. So he matriculated on May 10, 1617 in Padua . In 1622 Monau received his doctorate in medicine in Tübingen .

He returned to Wroclaw for a short time via Hungary and Bohemia, only to start hiking again soon after. In 1628/29 he traveled to Russia and attended medical schools there. In 1630 he returned to Breslau and married Maria Wendteissen here. In 1633 he fled with his family from the Swedish troops and the plague to Transylvania and in 1635 became a high school professor in Kronstadt . In 1637 he went to Danzig , where he was supposed to fight the plague.

Via Thorn he moved to Königsberg in 1640 to open a medical school there. Here Monau published his much-cited treatise Bronchotome / Bronchotomia on tracheal incision in 1644 . However, this pamphlet was an unnamed translation of a treatise by the French surgeon Nicolas Habicot .

In 1648 he went to Hamburg , where he met the Swedish legate Johannes Salvius , on whose recommendation Monau was appointed professor of medicine in Greifswald in 1649 .


  • Bronchotomas. Nimirum gutturis artificiose aperiendi ἐγχείρησις. Reusner, Königsberg 1644 ( digitized version ); 2nd edition: Bronchotomia quae est gutturis aperiendi artificiosa ratio. Jäger, Greifswald 1652 ( digitized version ); 3rd edition: Gollner, Jena 1711.


  • Dirk Alvermann , Birgit Dahlenburg : Greifswald heads. Scholar portraits and life pictures from the 16th to 18th centuries Century from the Pomeranian State University. Hinstorff, Rostock 2006, ISBN 3-356-01139-1 , p. 142 f.
  • Frank Lembke: A life-saving plagiarism? Friedrich von Monau's treatise on the tracheal incision (1644). In: Arne Jönsson, Gregor Vogt-Spira (Ed.): The Classical Tradition in the Baltic Region. Olms, Hildesheim 2017, pp. 163–188.

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Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Frank Lembke: A life-saving plagiarism? Friedrich von Monau's treatise on the tracheal incision (1644). In: Arne Jönsson, Gregor Vogt-Spira (Ed.): The Classical Tradition in the Baltic Region. Olms, Hildesheim 2017, pp. 163–188.