Guard Battalion (Federal Army)

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Guard soldiers
Guard battalion at a parade in Paris (2007)
Guard music

The guard is a separate body in the Austrian Armed Forces , which is stationed exclusively in the Maria-Theresien-Kaserne in Vienna and is used both for representation tasks and as an infantry fighting force. Commander of the Guard battalion is from Tyrol originating Colonel Stefan Kirchebner. In the course of the army reform in 2016 , the Guard Battalion was assigned to the Vienna Military Command as part of the Territorial Forces .


The guard battalion was set up in 1935. From the Vienna Art History Museum it received the flag of the kuk Trabantenleibgarde with Maria as "Madonna Immaculata" on the back and the triple crowned double eagle on the front. The new establishment in the Second Republic took place in 1957.


The guard consists of the 1st – 5th Guard company , the staff company Guard, a KPE unit and the Guard Music together. The hunter battalions Vienna 1 and Vienna 2 as well as the hunter company W13 "Hietzing" are subordinate to the guard.

Of the four guard companies, a maximum of two are active as honorary companies and take on the military representation tasks for the Federal President or the Federal Government ( accreditations , honorary burials and receptions with military honors ).


Guard soldiers

Soldiers of the guard differ from the other units of the armed forces by the scarlet beret , the red collar tab with a white protrusion, the wearing of a lanyard and the drill with the StG 58 . Outside the protocol service, however, the standard StG 77 rifle is used. Non-commissioned officers carry a loaded P80 pistol and officers wear officer's boots and a saber.


The basic training takes place in Horn and Allentsteig , after the basic training is transferred back to the Maria-Theresien-Kaserne in Vienna . In addition to comprehensive infantry training, the focus of which is on a. in house-to-house combat is also the intensive practice of rifle grips and drills.

According to some sources, over 40 percent of the Guard Battalion in 2008 were Muslims . In the Maria-Theresien-Kaserne in Vienna there has been a separate prayer room for them since 2004.

The recruits of some indentation dates learn not only the standard drill grips but also additional, particularly effective grips in order to take part in shows.

Web links

Commons : Gardebataillon (Bundesheer)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Guard: The Armed Forces visiting card "Die Presse", print edition, February 6, 2011.
  2. Gerd Millmann: Austria For Allah, People and Fatherland in the time of October 23, 2008. Accessed on February 12, 2011.