Painting poem

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The painting poem is a special form of the thing poem , the subject of which is generally a work of fine art, i.e. a painting, a graphic or a sculpture. It can be a (glorifying) description or an execution of the content in poetic form or it can thematize the effect of the work of art on the viewer or make further considerations based on the work of art.

Examples can already be found in ancient poetry, such as the shield of Aeneas in Virgil and in the ancient picture epigram, then in medieval painting tituli , in addition to woodcuts and engravings and in the baroque emblem . Representatives of the Baroque are Joost van den Vondel , Georg Philipp Harsdörffer and Sigmund von Birken . The form was especially important in Romanticism and Neo-Romanticism: August Wilhelm Schlegel (painting sonnets), Eduard Mörike , Conrad Ferdinand Meyer , Detlev von Liliencron (Böcklin's shepherd boy) , Stefan George (Böcklin) , Richard Dehmel , Max Dauthendey , Hugo von Hofmannsthal , Rainer Maria Rilke (New Poems) and Josef Weinheber should be mentioned here.

The painting poem is experiencing a real boom in contemporary poetry: Hans Bender , Jürgen Becker , Beat Brechbühl , Theo Breuer , Ulrich Grasnick , Marion Poschmann , Margot Scharpenberg , Ludwig Steinherr , Jan Wagner and others have written numerous painting poems; In the works of Ulrich Grasnick , Thomas Klings and Friederike Mayröckers , the painting poem plays a major role.

A special group is formed by the Old Norse pictorial poems, a form of the scald poetry , the subject of which is pictorial, artistic representations of heroic and mythological subjects; for example, in the Húsdrápa des Úlfr Uggason , motifs from carved wooden wall friezes from the house of the Icelandic farmer Óláfr pái are interpreted. The shield poems , which depict and interpret images on shields , form a special form here .
