Georg Ammon (pedagogue)

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Georg Ammon (born February 1, 1861 in Kleinziegenfeld ; died September 13, 1929 in Regensburg ) was a German high school teacher and classical philologist .


Georg Ammon attended the college in Bamberg , from which today's Kaiser-Heinrich-Gymnasium Bamberg emerged. There he was tutored for a few years by Nikolaus Wecklein , who worked as a teacher in Bamberg from 1873 to 1881. In 1881 Ammon passed his school leaving examination there.

In the winter semester of 1881/1882, Ammon enrolled at the University of Munich and studied classical philology with Conrad Bursian and above all with Wilhelm von Christ . He also heard history from Wilhelm von Giesebrecht and classical archeology from Heinrich Brunn . In 1884 he passed his teaching examination and began his career as a certified teacher training candidate, then as a teacher at the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich .

During this time he was in 1889 with a thesis on Dionysius of Halicarnassus in Wilhelm von Christ doctorate . Subsequently, on September 30, 1890, he was appointed teacher at the university in Speyer . At that time, the institution was under the direction of the historian and archaeologist Friedrich Ohlenschlager (1840–1916), who gave Ammon important impulses, particularly on the archeology of the Roman provinces in Germany and on Roman antiquity in general. Nevertheless he moved back to Munich and at his own request he became a teacher at the Wilhelmsgymnasium again on July 1, 1892. There he worked until 1899, when he was appointed high school professor at the old high school in Regensburg .

Three years later he was transferred to the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich in 1902 , where he also took over the management of the educational seminar. The Maximiliansgymnasium had been under the direction of its former teacher Wecklein since 1887. Wecklein had given the Maximilianeum the reputation of being a training center for high school principals and high-ranking officials in Bavaria, and Georg Ammon was also - after he was given leave of absence on a study trip to Greece in March and April 1907 - on January 1, 1909, initially as deputy principal at the humanistic grammar school in Neuburg an der Donau , promoted to rector of the high school in Ludwigshafen on September 1, 1911 . With the rank of secret councilor and senior director of studies , he headed the school until his retirement in 1920.

Scientist and author

In addition to his work as a teacher after completing his doctorate, Georg Ammon was always scientifically active and published on philological and educational topics. From a philological point of view, Ammon initially dealt with topics related to his dissertation, for example in his work The Philosopher Demokrit als Stilist, but mainly with the works of Cicero and Tacitus . In addition to school editions for the Tusculanae disputationes Ciceros and the Germania des Tacitus, he was responsible for the revision of the fourth edition of Friedrich Richter 's Cicero's speech for sex. Roscius from 1864. His critically commented research reviews on Cicero and Quintilian are still cited and taken into account today . In general, he emerged as a reviewer .

He has also provided research reviews in the field of pedagogy, and because of his reputation in pedagogical matters, he has been appointed to the pedagogical examination board five times. In 1903, together with Nikolaus Wecklein, he published the dictionary of German spelling with the addition of the official rulebook , one of those dictionaries that were published in competition with the Duden , which was not yet established . In 1926 he summarized a number of articles published in the Regensburger Anzeiger in the booklet Latin for Adults: also a look at German and world culture . In 1921 he published a brochure entitled Das Paradies auf Erden or Das Leben ohne Geld , in which he developed the utopia of a world community without money, without national borders and nations, in which everyone, including women, had a profession according to ability and inclination pursued.

Publications (selection)

  • De Dionysii Halicarnassensis librorum rhetoricorum fontibus. Kutzner, Munich 1889 ( digitized version ).
  • Rome's higher education system towards the end of the republic. Lecture given at the XVII. General assembly of the Bavarian high school teachers' association in Augsburg. J. Lindauer, Munich 1892.
  • Dictionary of German spelling with addition of the official rulebook. According to the officially established principles, written by Dr. G. Ammon, Kgl. High school professor, with the participation of senior teacher Dr. N. Wecklein, Kgl. High school principal. R. Oldenbourg, Munich 1903.
  • M. Tullii Ciceronis Tusculanarum disputationum libri quinque. Separate edition for school use by Georg Ammon according to text and commentary. Friedrich Andreas Perthes, Gotha 1912.
  • Paradise on Earth or Life without Money: Written in Munich. Dieling, Munich 1921.
  • Germania. Translation with introduction and explanations by G. Ammon. With 73 pictures and 6 cards (= masterpieces of world literature in German for school and home. Volume 7). Buchner, Bamberg 1913; second edition 1927.
  • Latin for adults: also a look at German and world culture. Habbel, Regensburg 1926.


  • Johann Melber: Privy Councilor Dr. Georg Ammon, senior director of studies a. D. † 13. IX. 1929. In: Bavarian papers for high school education. Volume 65, 1929, pp. 344-352.
  • Friedrich Littig: Georg Ammon †. In: Geographischer Anzeiger: Sheets for geographic teaching. Volume 30, 1929, p. 367.


  1. ^ Annual report on the K. Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich for the school year 1901/02. Munich 1902
  2. Georg Ammon: The philosopher Democritus as a stylist. In: Xenia of the 41st Assembly of German Philologists and School Men. Lindl, Munich 1891 ( digitized version ).
  3. Friedrich Richter, Georg Ammon: Cicero's speech for sex. Roscius. Teubner, Leipzig / Berlin 1906.
  4. Georg Ammon: Report on the literature on Cicero's rhetorical writings from the years 1893-1900. In: Annual report on the progress of classical antiquity. Volume 105, 1900, pp. 203-258 ( digitized version ); Georg Ammon: Report on the literature on Cicero's rhetorical writings from the years 1900–1902. In: Annual report on the progress of classical antiquity. Volume 117, 1903, pp. 138-154 ( digitized version ).
  5. Georg Ammon: Report on the literature on Quintilian (inst. Or) from the years 1888–1901. In: Annual report on the progress of classical antiquity. Volume 109, 1901, pp. 86-144 ( digitized version ).
  6. ^ Georg Ammon: Pedagogical-didactic time and controversial issues in the newest lighting, especially in the writings of W. Münch. In: Sheets for the Bavarian high school system. Volume 41, 1905, pp. 312-334 ( digitized version ).