Gerhard Littschwager

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Gerhard Littschwager (* 21st October 1907 in Belleveaux , Alsace ; † 26. November 2001 ) was a German lawyer, deputy head of Stapostelle Szczecin and District Chief in German-occupied Poland during World War II .


Littschwager, whose father was customs secretary, completed his school career in 1927 with the Abitur . He then studied law at the Universities of Freiburg , Kiel , Munich and Bonn . Littschwager graduated with the first state examination in 1931. Littschwager doctorate in late February 1933, Freiburg to Dr. jur. with the dissertation : "Acquisition of property by the purchaser at auction of an attached movable item that does not belong to the debtor."

At the beginning of May 1931 Littschwager became a member of the NSDAP . ( Membership number 544.625) and worked as a block warden until 1933. He belonged to the SA from 1932 and changed from there to the SS at the beginning of December 1935 (membership number 290.017). In April 1939, Littschwager rose to SS-Sturmbannführer in the SS .

After completing his legal clerkship, Littschwager passed the second state examination in law in May 1935. Then Littschwager joined the police force and initially worked for the state police in Berlin . From there he moved to Kiel , where he worked as political department head of the district president and deputy head of the Gestapo. As deputy head of the Gestapo in Kiel, Littschwager wrote the application for expatriation for the emigrant Herbert Frahm on April 28, 1938, under the reference number II B 3 - F 2019 , who later became German Chancellor under the name Willy Brandt . In this later application for expatriation, Brandt was falsely accused of communist activities. This application, addressed to the Secret State Police Office in Berlin, was initiated as follows:

"Subject: Deprivation of German citizenship of the German-blooded Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, b. on December 18, 1913 in Lübeck, last domestic residence Lübeck, current residence in Oslo […] Da Frahm, a former communist youth speaker who now lives in Oslo, is supported by the refugee committee there and under the code name Willy Brandt, employee of the Marxist daily Arbeiderbladet is, acts as a courier between the emigre organizations in France and the Nordic countries, the requirements for the deprivation of the German citizenship of Frahm [...] are met. Before taking power , Frahm first worked in the SAJ ( Socialist Workers' Youth ) and later in the KJVD ( Communist Youth Association of Germany ). In the latter association, Frahm particularly excelled as a youth speaker. "

The rank of Government Council Littschwager was with the Gestapo in from July 1938 Stettin managerial experience.

After the beginning of the Second World War, Littschwager was transferred to the Generalgouvernement by the Reich Ministry of the Interior , where he became district chief in Grodzisk in the Warsaw district . From the beginning of December 1939 he was district chief in Ostrów Mazowiecka . From August 1941 to April 1942, Littschwager was district chief in Czortkow . He then worked in the Internal Administration Department in the Galicia District Office until July 1942 . A case of food card fraud was brought against Littschwager, but this was discontinued. From July 1942 Littschwager worked as a legal advisor to the government in Bromberg . In mid-September 1943, Littschwager was drafted into the Waffen SS . From November 1944 to April 1945 Littschwager worked at the SS and Police Court in Munich, initially as a clerk and finally as an assistant judge.

From the beginning of May 1945 to February 1948, Littschwager was in Allied internment . After his release from internment, Littschwager was initially destitute. Littschwager did not have to pay a fine due to his membership in the SS. At the end of June 1949 Littschager was denazified as "exonerated" . Afterwards Littschwager worked as in-house counsel at the Walter Dorn publishing house in Frankfurt am Main . At the beginning of May 1955 Littschwager was employed as a social judge at the social court , where he retired early in April 1963. The background to Littschwager's retirement was a preliminary investigation initiated against him in 1962. Littschwager had received the advice to take early retirement from Ludwig Losacker . Littschwager then worked as a clerk for claims at the Krawag insurance company . The preliminary proceedings against Littschwager were closed by the Darmstadt public prosecutor on February 19, 1972.


  • Dieter Pohl : National Socialist Persecution of Jews in East Galicia, 1941–1944. Oldenbourg, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-486-56233-9 .
  • Markus Roth: Gentlemen. The German District Chiefs in Occupied Poland - Career Paths, Rule Practice and Post-History. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2009. ISBN 978-3-8353-0477-2 .
  • Thomas Sandkühler: Final solution in Galicia. The murder of Jews in Eastern Poland and the rescue initiatives of Berthold Beitz 1941–1944 . Dietz successor, Bonn 1996, ISBN 3-8012-5022-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Thomas sand cooler: Final solution in Galicia. The murder of Jews in Eastern Poland and the rescue initiatives of Berthold Beitz 1941–1944 . Bonn 1996, p. 455.
  2. a b c d Short biography from Markus Roth: Herrenmenschen , Göttingen 2009, p. 489.
  3. Brandt - No. F 2019 . In: Der Spiegel . No. 36 , 1976, pp. 76 ( online ).
  4. ^ Gerhard Littschwager to the State Police Office in Berlin on April 28, 1938 . Quoted from: Brandt - No. F 2019 . In: Der Spiegel . No. 36 , 1976, pp. 76 ( online ).
  5. Dieter Pohl: National Socialist Persecution of Jews in East Galicia, 1941–1944 . Munich 1997, p. 417.
  6. Markus Roth: Herrenmenschen , Göttingen 2009, p. 387.