Golden Park

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Golden Park
Coordinates 32 ° 27 '8.5 "  N , 84 ° 59' 29.5"  W Coordinates: 32 ° 27 '8.5 "  N , 84 ° 59' 29.5"  W.
capacity 8,500

The Golden Park is a stadium in Columbus in the US state of Georgia .

Originally opened in 1951, the sports facility was rebuilt before the 1996 Summer Olympics especially for the softball competitions of this sporting event. It is located 168 kilometers southwest of Atlanta on Georgia's largest river, the Chattahoochee River . At the time of the Olympic competitions held there, the stadium had a capacity of 8,500 spectators.


  • "City Guide Atlanta - All sports facilities and sights", sports picture from June 26, 1996, pp. 37-48

Individual evidence

  1. Information on