Gråsten Municipality

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Basic data
surface 56.65 km² (2005)
Residents 7,256 (2005)

Gråsten Kommune (German: Kommune Gravenstein ) was a municipality in Sønderjyllands Amt ( North Schleswig ) in southern Denmark . It was created two years before the local government reform in 1970, when the municipalities of Rinkenæs (German: Rinkenis ) and Kværs (German: Quars ) joined the municipality of Gråsten-Adsbøl (German: Gravenstein-Atzbüll ), which had already been unified in 1957 . Although the municipality had spoken out in favor of further independence until the end, in 2005 it had to agree to join the large municipality of Sønderborg (German: Sonderburg ) from 2007.
