Counts of Roden

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The Counts of Roden were an old noble family . Their headquarters were in Roden near Minden . After their other possessions, they were also referred to as Counts of Limmer and Counts of Wunstorf . They played an important role in the early history of the city of Hanover .

The family has three lilies in the coat of arms. With from Rutenberg they are closely related. They are mixed up in various ways with the Counts of Rothen , who have a leaping lion in their coat of arms.

Early history

Hill of Roden Castle

The family of the later Counts of Roden probably came from the area of ​​the central Weser . The name was probably derived from Roden Castle near Rohden near Hessisch-Oldendorf . A Hoger was also called von Ripen after his possession Riepen . He owned an important allodial property in Marstemgau , some of which was later used to furnish Marienwerder Abbey .

Until the beginning of the 11th century, the count's rights in Marstemgau were still directly exercised by the Billungers . Since the beginning of the 12th century they have been in the feudal possession of the Counts of Schwalenberg .

Hildebold I.

On a court day in 1120, a noble named Hildebold also took part as a witness. This was probably the later Count Hildebold von Roden, a son of Hoger von Ripen. Hildebold first appeared as a count on a court day in 1124 and again in 1127. This presupposes a previous enfeoffment with the county rights by Duke Lothar von Süpplingenburg . Hildebold's son, Konrad I, is named as court lord between 1185 and 1200 in Seelze . The places of jurisdiction indicate the extent of the initial sphere of influence of the Counts of Roden. It did not include the entire Gau, only the areas of the Gogerichte Gehrden , Engelbostel and Seelze.

Overall, under Hildebold, there was a shift in the power base to the east. He also appeared in the entourage of the bishops of Hildesheim in 1141 . He married a daughter of Cuno I. von Depenau. Through this marriage, the small and the large county, both fiefdoms of the bishops of Hildesheim, came into the possession of the family. With this relocation of property, the Hanover court gained importance in the middle of the count's sphere of influence. There the counts had a church built there at the beginning of the 12th century, which was unearthed during excavations on today's market square in Hanover. A market is also likely to have been launched at the time of Count Hildebold.

Konrad I.

Hildebold's son, Konrad, had to give his property to Hanover as a fiefdom for Duke Heinrich the Lion . At the same time he was enfeoffed with the county by the duke. This must have happened between 1160 and 1168. During his time there were further steps in the urban development of Hanover, such as the creation of a ducal mint. Konrad will have died around 1200. In addition to the allodial property and the fiefs of Heinrich the Lion, he also owned fiefs of the Diocese of Hildesheim and the Diocese of Minden . His real followers, however, were Henry the Lion. In his interest, he began building Honroth Castle near Rinteln in 1179 , which was destroyed again after the Duke was ostracized in 1180 by the Counts of Schaumburg . The Counts of Roden then withdrew to their property in the Wunstorf-Limmer-Hanover area and thus finally gave up the Weser area.

Pressed by the Counts of Schaumburg, Konrad had a moated castle built near Limmer . After the duke's early return from exile in 1189, the castle was besieged in vain. Hanover, on the other hand, was taken. After Heinrich the Lion had been deprived of the title of duke, he was left with the Guelph allodial property, which also included the area around Hanover, which Konrad von Roden was given to him. Conrad I founded the Marienwerder monastery in 1196 and designated it as the burial place of his house.


His successors were the sons Konrad II and Hildebold II. After initially ruling together, an inheritance was divided in 1215. Konrad II had Lauenrode Castle built outside the city on the western bank of the Leine , opposite the Begin Tower of the Hanover city wall . From then on he called himself von Roden or Lauenrode. His brother called himself von Limmer. Hildebold († 1228) essentially received the western part with the Minden fiefdom and Wunstorf as the center. This also included the Go Seelze, later the office of Blumenau, with the Bailiwick of Ahlem. Hildebold was married to Hedwig, the daughter of Moritz I (Oldenburg) . Her son Hildebold became Archbishop of Bremen . Konrad received the eastern possessions around Hanover and Lauenrode as well as the fiefs in the diocese of Hildesheim. The successors of Konrad II were the three sons Konrad III., Heinrich II. And Konrad IV. The eldest led the actual government.

Later development

In 1215 the Counts of Nienburg lost to the Counts of Hoya . In 1241 the loss of Hanover and the Bailiwick of Lauenrode to the Dukes of Braunschweig Lüneburg followed .

Around 1300 Boldewin von Roden sold the Minorite monastery in Hanover a piece of land on the Leine within the city. However, Boldewin's sons still owned Otten Werden, on the opposite bank, as well as the fishing rights over this part of the river. The family's tombs in the Minorite monastery have not survived.

In 1446 Wunstorf was sold to the Hildesheim Monastery. Later this area also came to the Guelphs. In 1553 the family died out.


  • Bernhard Engelke : The two Hanoverian pfennigs of the Counts of Roden . In: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , 29th year, Hanover: Verlag von Theodor Schulzes Buchhandlung, 1926, pp. 139–144
  • Bernhard Engelke: Hanover and the Engersche county of the counts of Roden. In: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , Vol. 29 (1926), pp. 192ff.
  • Helmut Plath : Names and origins of the Counts of Roden and the early history of the city of Hanover. In: Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte , Vol. 34 (1962), pp. 1–32
  • Helmut Plath: The date of the 750th anniversary of the city of Hanover and its problems. In: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter new series 44 (1990), pp. 1–11
  • Klaus Mlynek , Waldemar R. Röhrbein (ed.): History of the city of Hanover. Vol.1 From the beginning to the beginning of the 19th century . Hanover 1992, ISBN 3-87706-351-9
  • Gerhard Köbler : Historical lexicon of the German countries. The German territories from the Middle Ages to the present. 4th, completely revised edition. CH Beck, Munich 1992, ISBN 3-406-35865-9 , p. 510.
  • Alfred Bruns: Counts of Roden . In: Gerhard Taddey (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German history . Events, institutions, people. From the beginning to the surrender in 1945. 3rd, revised edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-520-81303-3 , p. 1054.
  • Detlev Schwennicke: European family tables, vol.17: Hesse and the tribal duchy of Saxony . Frankfurt am Main, 1998, ISBN 3-465-02983-6 digitized version
  • Eberhard Kaus: A. Wunstorf (Count of); B. Wunstorf (county) . In: Werner Paravicini (ed.): Courtyards and residences in the late medieval empire. Counts and gentlemen (= residency research 15.4). edit v. J. Hirschbiegel , AP Orlowska and J. Wettlaufer . Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2012, pp. 1735–1739
  • Waldemar R. Röhrbein, Rainer Kasties MA: Roden (Lauenrode), Count of. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 524.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arnold Nöldeke : Minorite monastery. In: Die Kunstdenkmäler der Provinz Hannover Vol. 1, H. 2, Teil 1, Hannover, Selbstverlag der Provinzialverwaltung, Theodor Schulzes Buchhandlung, 1932 (Neudruck Verlag Wenner, Osnabrück 1979, ISBN 3-87898-151-1 ), p. 215 -220