Great Lüdershagen

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Great Lüdershagen
Wendorf municipality
Coordinates: 54 ° 16 ′ 46 ″  N , 13 ° 3 ′ 50 ″  E
Postal code : 18442
Area code : 03831
Groß Lüdershagen (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Great Lüdershagen

Location of Groß Lüdershagen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Groß Lüdershagen is a place within the municipality of Wendorf in the Vorpommern-Rügen district , not far from the Hanseatic city of Stralsund . The place belonged to the district of Stralsund until 1994 and until 2011 to the district of North Western Pomerania , which was dissolved in the course of the district reform in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . Geographically neighboring communities or places are Lüssow, Stralsund , Wendorf and Voigdehagen .

The manor house represents the central square in the small town. In the past, Lüdershagen was not spoken of as small and large, but as a whole.

While Groß Lüdershagen had a rather rural character until the political change in 1989/1990, the image of the place has changed significantly in the years after the change. Building land was developed and numerous new residential buildings were built. Furthermore, numerous companies settled in the adjacent industrial park.


Lüdershagen is first mentioned in the 13th century, like many former Stralsund town villages. An exact date is not yet known.

middle Ages

On August 29 of the year 1290 sold Prince Wizlaw II . von Rügen with the consent of his son Wizlaw III . the city of Stralsund the property of their goods in Voigdehagen from the sea where the water ends, which drives 2 mills, and from the border of the city, where the road to the village leads to the pond and this itself. Likewise the property of the village Lüdershagen, both what she bought there from Rolef Plotze and what she will buy from the prince's cleric, Nicolaus, and his brother Martin. Right at the beginning of the 14th century, on February 2, 1301, the city ​​council of Stralsund sells Johan von Straßburg pensions from 2 1/2 Hufen in Lüdershagen, each 55 marks, excluding the jurisdiction . On May 10, 1321, Prince Wizlaw III confirmed . the city of Stralsund their privileges and their property in the villages of Devin , Teschenhagen, Zitterpenningshagen , Voigdehagen, Wendorf , Lüdershagen, Vogelsang, Lüssow , Langendorf and Kedingshagen. The privileges are the same as in previous confirmations.

On November 18, 1436, Gerwin Ronnegarve, a citizen of Stralsund, sold Wilken Nyenkerke an annual pension of 66 marks less 4 shillings in the village of Lüssow and Lüdershagen with all accessories and all rights, as stated in the council's charter, for 780 marks he has about it, and the monastery of St. Brigitten or Marienkron. He delivered the certificate to Nyenkerken. Co-sealers: Everd van Hudzen, councilor, and Brand Ronnegarve, a Stralsund citizen. In 1499, Dr. Gerwin Ronnegarve, archdeacon of Tribsees and Usedom , Canon of Cammin and Schwerin and Gerhard Hundertmark the council of Stralsund 2 acres of hay meadow between Lüdershagen and Wendorf, between the meadows of the blessed mayor Johann Schwarte and Hans Blomenberg, like the blessed citizen Hinrik Boleke dem According to the document from 1469, Kaland sold it, but they keep it because it also mentions other goods.

Modern times to the 19th century

1675 Lüdershagen becomes an army camp for Brandenburg troops. In the selfsame year Sweden invaded the Swedish-Brandenburg War the Mark Brandenburg . They were defeated in the Battle of Fehrbellin and put on the defensive, which made Stralsund again a war target. For the first time in this layered Pomerania campaign in October 1675 in Lüdershagen Elector of Brandenburg Friedrich Wilhelm with an army in front of Stralsund, but soon moved due to the slump in winter again. Thereupon the Swedish field marshal Count Otto Wilhelm von Königsmarck set up an army of 14,000 men in the Rügen / Stralsund region. In September 1677, the Danes managed to land on Rügen and cut off Sweden's connection with Western Pomerania .

Gutshaus Lüdershagen side view
Gutshaus Lüdershagen side view

The trades of the city of Stralsund repeatedly complained against those of the Stralsund city villages in the 17th and 18th centuries, probably out of competition. In the time of 1689 complaints of the office of the Rademacher in Stralsund against the wheel and wheelwright in Altefähr , Rothenkirchen and Lüdershagen because of intrusion are documented. At the same time there were also lawsuits from Stralsunders against the Grützmacher von Voigdehagen (miller's trade). At the beginning of the 18th century, the Lüdershagen estate lay in desolation, on the one hand due to a lack of economic management and the storm damage that can be proven in 1718. In 1722, the tenant Execution Adolph Gradener also issued a corresponding invoice for the property that was taken over.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the monastery of the Holy Spirit in Stralsund is aware of border regulations between Voigdehagen and Lüdershagen. Border regulations are not uncommon between the farms and goods, they can also be found in the vicinity for Andershof , Devin and Zitterpenningshagen . In 1808, during the Napoleonic Wars , French troops camped at the gates of the city. The troops also had to be supplied. The city of Stralsund calculated 154 tons of domestic beer for the military camp near Lüdershagen.

At the time when the city of Stralsund was being loosened, two powder magazines were built in front of the Tribseer suburb on the way from Richterberger Chaussee to Groß Lüdershagen. The years 1862 to 1882 are given as the period.

20th century

Fire station in Lüdershagen
Fire station in Lüdershagen

In 1900 the association for the breeding of purebred dogs was founded by Freiherr von Langen in Groß-Lüdershagen. The baron von Langen has his real estate in Parow . A memorial plaque hangs on the manor house there . In the same year Lüdershagen was also connected to the telephone connection to Stralsund and Berlin, which was further expanded in 1904.

From 1945 the goods were no longer leased by the Kloster zum Heiligen Geist, the farms and lands were expropriated by the land reform in the Soviet occupation zone and later given to the agricultural production cooperatives, which continued to manage them.

On July 13, 1995, the Lüdershagen bus depot was handed over to local public transport. For an investment sum of 13.5 million DM, modern halls for 48 buses, repair workshops with computer-controlled brake test stands, bus lifting platforms, petrol stations and washing facilities based on rainwater were built. Some of the facility has been in use since November 1994. A few years later, on June 9, 2000, the foundation stone was laid for the extension of the workshop for the disabled in Lüdershagen. With the construction, in which two large assembly rooms and two rooms for work training will be set up, additional capacities for 60 new workplaces should be available from autumn 2001.

Manor Lüdershagen

View of the manor house in Groß Lüdershagen
View of the manor house in Groß Lüdershagen

At the beginning of the 17th century the von Braun family is named as the owner of the Lüdershagen estate, followed in 1652 by Alexander von Erskine , and then by the Stralsund city commander Colonel Otto von Schulmann . Then it was bought by Nikolaus von Baumann , whose family went bankrupt around 1780. In 1928, the Major of the Reserve Fritz Blume took over the 325 hectare estate from Paul Matthies. Fritz Blume made a name for himself with his horse breeding - his warm-blooded animals were recognized herdbook cattle. The manor house was built in its current form around 1866. It was renovated in the 1990s and is inhabited.

Transport links

The place is very close to the federal highway 194 , the federal highway 105 and the federal highway 96 . There is no connection to the rail network.

Sights in Groß Lüdershagen

  • Groß Lüdershagen manor from 1866 of the Langen and Keffenbrinck families as a single-storey plastered building with a two-storey entrance project and a crooked hip roof .

Individual evidence

  1. Groß Lüdershagen commercial and industrial area. Investguide MV, accessed October 30, 2017 .
  2. City documents: Prince Wizlaw II of Rügen sold with the consent of his son Wizlaw III. the city of Stralsund the property of their goods in Voigdehagen from the sea where the water ends, which drives 2 mills, and from the border of the city, where the road to the village leads to the pond and this itself. Likewise the property of the village Lüdershagen, both what she bought there from Rolef Plotze and what she will buy from the prince's cleric, Nicolaus, and his brother Martin . Ed .: Wizlaw II. Stralsund August 29, 1290.
  3. Municipal documents: The city council of Stralsund sells Johan von Straßburg pensions from 2 1/2 Hufen in Lüdershagen, each 55 Marks, excluding the jurisdiction. Ed .: Municipal documents. StU 101. Stralsund February 2, 1301.
  4. City documents: Prince Wizlaw III. confirms to the city of Stralsund its privileges and property in the villages of Devin, Teschenhagen, Zitterpenningshagen, Voigdehagen, Wendorf, Lüdershagen, Vogelsang, Lüssow, Langendorf and Kedingshagen. The privileges are the same as in previous confirmations. Ed .: Wizlaw III. No. 0166 . Stralsund 1321.
  5. Municipal documents: Gerwin Ronnegarve, citizen of Stralsund, sells Wilken Nyenkerke an annual pension of 66 marks less 4 shillings in the village of Lüssow and Lüdershagen for 780 marks with all the accessories and all rights, as stated in the council certificate, which he about it, and the monastery of St. Brigitten or Marienkron. He delivered the certificate to Nyenkerken. Co-sealers: Everd van Hudzen, councilor, and Brand Ronnegarve, citizen. Ed .: Municipal documents. No. 0935 . Stralsund November 18, 1436.
  6. City documents: Dr. Gerwin Ronnegarve, archdeacon of Tribsees and Usedom, Canon of Cammin and Schwerin, Gerhard Hundertmark, sell the Stralsund council 2 acres of hay meadow between Lüdershagen and Wendorf, between the meadows of the blessed mayor Johann Schwarte and Hans Blomenberg, like the blessed citizen Hinrik According to the document from 1469, Boleke sold the Kaland, which they keep because it also mentions other goods. Ed .: Dr. Gerwin Ronnegarve. No. 1815 . Stralsund 1499.
  7. Stralsund handicrafts: Complaints by the office of wheel and wheelwright against the Rademacher living near the city because of intrusion complaints against Rademacher in Altefähr, Rothenkirchen and Lüdershagen . Ed .: Stralsund handicraft. Rep. 16, no. 0556 . Stralsund 1746.
  8. Land and construction in the city of Stralsund: Invoices from the tenant Hinrich Adolph Gradener for the repair of the Lüdershagen estate that was taken over and for the repair of the storm damage suffered in 1718. Ed .: Property and construction of the city of Stralsund. Rep. 24, no. 1206 . Stralsund 1722.
  9. Monastery of the Holy Spirit: Border regulations between Voigdehagen and Lüdershagen . Ed .: Monastery of the Holy Spirit. Rep. 9, no. 1753 . Stralsund 1835.
  10. ↑ District Chamber and Tax Administration of the City of Stralsund: Settlement of 154 tons of the beer delivered to the French military camp near Lüdershagen. Ed .: District Chamber and Tax Administration of the City of Stralsund. Rep. 33, no. 1072 . Stralsund 1808.
  11. ↑ District Chamber and Tax Administration of the City of Stralsund: Construction of two powder magazines in front of the Tribseer suburb on the way from Richtenberger Chaussee to Groß Lüdershagen . Ed .: District Chamber and Tax Administration of the City of Stralsund. Rep. 33, no. 0633 . Stralsund 1885.
  12. ^ Stralsunder Zeitung: Founding of the association for the breeding of pure-bred dogs by Baron von Langen in Groß-Lüdershagen; Honorary Presidium: Prince von Putbus . Ed .: Stralsunder Zeitung. No. 295 . Stralsund 1900.
  13. Stralsunder Zeitung: Voigdehagen: telephone connection (with Stralsund-Berlin; Lüssow and Lüdershagen connected) . Ed .: Stralsunder Zeitung. No. 303 . Stralsund 1900.
  14. ^ Ostsee-Zeitung: Official handover of the Lüdershagen bus depot to local public transport. For an investment of 13.5 million DM, modern halls for 48 buses, repair workshops with computer-controlled brake test benches, bus lifting platforms, petrol stations and washing systems based on rainwater were built. Some of the facility has been in use since November 1994. Ed .: Ostsee-Zeitung. No. 162 . Stralsund 1995.
  15. ^ Ostsee-Zeitung: Foundation stone laid for the extension of the workshop for the disabled in Lüdershagen. With the construction, in which two large assembly rooms and two rooms for work training will be set up, additional capacities for 60 new workplaces should be available from autumn 2001. Ed .: Ostsee-Zeitung. No. 134 . Stralsund 2000.
  16. Groß Lüdershagen manor house. Retrieved October 30, 2017 .