Gunnel Channel

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Gunnel Channel
Connects waters Hanusse Bay
with water The gullet
Separates land mass Hansen Island
of land mass Arrowsmith Peninsula , Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
Geographical location 67 ° 6 ′  S , 67 ° 33 ′  W Coordinates: 67 ° 6 ′  S , 67 ° 33 ′  W
Gunnel Channel (Antarctic Peninsula)
Gunnel Channel
length 11 km
Smallest width 800 m

The Gunnel Channel (English for railing channel ) is a 800 m wide and 11 km long strait in the southern part of the Hanusse Bay . It separates Hansen Island from the west coast of Graham Land in the north of the Antarctic Peninsula .

The canal was discovered from the air and roughly mapped in 1936 during the British Graham Land Expedition (1934–1937) under the direction of the Australian polar explorer John Rymill . The Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey carried out an on-site survey in 1948 and named it. It is named after the false impression that the canal is so narrow that a ship cannot navigate in it without scratching the railing on both sides .

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Straits along the coast of Graham Land