Bismarck Strait (Antarctica)

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Bismarck Street
Connects waters Southern ocean
with water Gerlache Street and Butler Passage
Separates land mass Wauwermans Islands ( Wilhelm Archipelago )
of land mass Palmer Archipelago
Geographical location 64 ° 51 ′  S , 63 ° 58 ′  W Coordinates: 64 ° 51 ′  S , 63 ° 58 ′  W
Bismarck Strait (Antarctic Peninsula)
Bismarck Street
length 25 km
Smallest width 5 km

The Bismarck Strait ( English Bismarck Strait ) is a strait in the Antarctic north of Graham Land between the Wauwermans Islands of the Wilhelm Archipelago , as well as the Anvers- and Wiencke Island that the Palmer Archipelago belong. In the southeast it extends to Cape Errera , where it meets the Gerlache Strait ; in the southwest there is a connection to the Lemaire Canal via the Butler Passage .

The Bismarck Street was discovered during a research trip in 1873/74 by Captain Eduard Dallmann with the steam sailing ship Groenland and named by him after the founder of the empire Otto von Bismarck .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Bismarck Strait (GBR) in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica , accessed on January 22, 2018
  2. a b Bismarck Strait in the Geographic Names Information System of the United States Geological Survey , accessed January 22, 2018
Straits along the coast of Graham Land