Gymnasium (Bavaria)

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The high school in Bavaria currently has eight grades from five to twelve (G8); however, it has been decided to return to grammar school with nine grades (G9). The qualification is the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur).

From the school year 2018/19, starting with the fifth and sixth grades, a nine-year schooling is again required in order to impart the in- depth general education required for a university degree . to acquire. The Abitur after twelve years is thus abolished again. Only particularly gifted students should be able to continue their Abitur after twelve years by skipping a grade; However, this possibility existed even before the introduction of the G8. In the other federal states one goes back to the G9 on similar paths, with the exception of the new federal states .

Educational priorities

As in all federal states, the Bavarian grammar school should provide its students with an in-depth general education, prepare them as best as possible for university studies and enable them to successfully complete “vocational training outside the university” (Art. 9 Para. 1 BayEUG). It is intended to lay the foundation for the willingness to learn and further develop for life. The primary educational goals of Article 131 of the Bavarian Constitution are thus to be implemented; These are reverence for God, respect for religious conviction and for human dignity, self-control, a sense of responsibility and willingness to take responsibility, helpfulness, openness to everything that is true, good and beautiful and a sense of responsibility for nature and the environment. That is why the grammar school focuses on the student in his personal development and combines performance requirements with child and youth-friendly offers for individual support. These offers should be carried out together with the parents and children who are suitable for high school, regardless of their social background, should have the opportunity to successfully complete a high school with a high school diploma.

Desired goals

  • A coordinated range of subjects geared towards university entrance ensures a broad general education and the general higher education entrance qualification associated with the Abitur.
  • The variety of subjects enables the children to recognize and develop the spectrum of their talents.
  • Values ​​education, cultural education as well as the imparting of the ability to work in a team, basic communicative skills and appropriate manners create the conditions for the correct application of the knowledge acquired.
  • A solid foundation of knowledge, values ​​and competencies, combined with a willingness to make efforts and the ability to make judgments, is the basis for academic success and the assumption of responsible tasks in work and society.

High schools with different focuses

To achieve these goals there are the following types of grammar schools in Bavaria, each with a different focus. They can also be combined in one school.

Focus at the language grammar school (with the special form humanistic grammar school)

At the Sprachliches Gymnasium, students learn three or more foreign languages, including at least two modern ones. At the humanistic grammar school, the classic form of the linguistic grammar school, the focus is on the ancient languages ​​Latin and Greek (alongside English / French). Many high schools also offer three modern foreign languages: FE-It / Sp or EF-It / Sp.

  • Language sequence:
    • Latin from grade 5,
    • English from grade 6,
    • French / Italian / Russian / Spanish from grade 8
  • or:
    • English / French from grade 5,
    • Latin / English from grade 6,
    • French / Italian / Russian / Spanish / Latin from grade 8
  • or: ( Humanistic Gymnasium )
    • Latin / English from grade 5,
    • English / Latin from grade 6,
    • Greek from grade 8

Focus on science and technology high school

In-depth introduction to physics and chemistry; Computer science as a subject

Main focus at the music school

In addition to German, the focus is on music and art. Music is an advancement subject in all grades.

  • Language sequence:
    • Latin from grade 5
    • English from grade 6
  • or:
    • English from grade 5,
    • Latin from grade 6

Focus on economics and social sciences high school

At the economics and social sciences high school, depending on the profile, the subjects of economics and law as well as business informatics on the one hand and social studies and practical social education on the other hand are focal points.

  • Language sequence:
    • English / Latin from grade 5,
    • Latin / French / English from grade 6 (English must be the 1st or 2nd foreign language)

Suitability for high school

The grammar school is the shortest and most demanding route to high school. Whoever wants to go to it should, according to the opinion of the Bavarian Ministry responsible for the grammar school

  • to be inquisitive and enjoy discovering;
  • concentrate well and stick to one thing for a long time;
  • be eloquent and like to solve tricky tasks;
  • learn quickly and efficiently.

Graduations from high school

The aim of the grammar school is the general university entrance qualification . The following degrees will be achieved along the way:

Connection routes

Those who have received the Abitur certificate can study any subject of their choice at universities and colleges if they meet the other admission requirements. With the middle school leaving certificate after grade 10 there is the possibility to transfer to vocational training or to change to the technical college. With the secondary school leaving certificate after grade 9, there is the first opportunity to transfer to vocational training or to other types of school.

Other ways of achieving higher education entrance qualification

The university entrance qualification entitles, for example, to study at a technical college or university. In addition to the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur), there is also the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification and the technical college entrance qualification. The qualifications ordinance (QualV) regulates which certificates are used in Bavaria to prove that a technical college entrance qualification is obtained.

Cultural sovereignty of the countries and the Abitur

The cultural sovereignty of the federal states refers to the primary responsibility of the German federal states with regard to legislation and administration in the field of culture, i.e. in particular the responsibility for schools and universities, education, radio, television, and the arts. In German federalism , the cultural sovereignty of the federal states results from the competence regulation of the Basic Law (Art. 30): The federal states are responsible for matters that are not expressly assigned to the federal government as a competence title. See also the following articles:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. § 34 of the school regulations for the grammar schools in Bavaria (grammar school regulations - GSO) from January 23, 2007 ( Memento of the original from February 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Bavaria is reintroducing the G9. High School. Die Zeit , April 5, 2017, accessed on September 27, 2017 .
  3. That changes with the new G9. Nine year high school. Bayerischer Rundfunk , July 25, 2017, archived from the original on March 10, 2018 ; accessed on September 27, 2017 .
  4. Bavaria returns to the G9. High School. Spiegel Online , April 5, 2017, accessed September 27, 2017 .
  5. Art. 131. In: Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria . Bavarian State Chancellery , accessed on September 27, 2017 .