Haderslev Official Jernbaner

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Haderslev Amts Jernbaner
Haderslebener Kreisbahn
Haderslebener Kreisbahn (Atlas of the Railways of Central Europe 1902)
Haderslebener Kreisbahn
(Atlas of the Railways of Central Europe 1902)
Hadersleben State Railway Station – Christiansfeld
Course book range : 102 h (1914)
Route length: Hadersleben Kleinbf – Christiansfeld 18.5 km
Gauge : 1000 mm ( meter gauge )
Minimum radius : 150 m
Top speed: 30 km / h
from Schottburg
Vojens – Haderslev railway line from Vojens
Station, station
0.0 Hadersleben state train station, dan. Haderslev Statsbanegaard
1.1 Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof Danish. Haderslev Amtsbanegaard
to Arnum and to Aarösund
3.9 Vesterris Hp
4.5 Nieder Aastrup dan. Neder Åstrup
6.2 Ober Aastrup dan. Over Åstrup
8.2 Wonsbek dan. Vonsbæk
9.3 Wild catch (North Schleswig) Danish. Vildfang
10.4 Sillerupgaard Hp
11.4 Sillerup dan. Sillerup
13.5 Fjelstrup Åstrup Danish Fjelstrup
? Gammelby (North Schleswig) Hp
? Kellergaard Hp
17.5 Faustrup Danish Favstrup
20.1 Christiansfeld dan. Christiansfeld
Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof – Arnum
Course book range : 102 h (1914)
Route length: 49.7 km
Gauge : 1000 mm ( meter gauge )
Top speed: 30 km / h
from Schottburg
0.0 Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof Danish. Haderslev Amtsbanegaard
to Christiansfeld
Mill electricity
to Aarösund
1.5 Hadersleben Süderbrücke dan. Haderslev Syd
3.9 Erlev Hp
5.0 Erlev Kro Hp
6.6 Nörbygaard
7.5 Mastrup Danish Marstrup
? Pamhule Hp
11.3 Ustrup
to Scherrebek via Branderup
12.9 Högelund
16.0 Gammel Laadegaard
17.0 Jernbyt Hp
Fredericia – Flensburg railway line
19.2 Woyens Kleinbahnhof Danish. Vojens Amtsbanegaard
22.6 Skrydstrup dan. Skrydstrup
24.3 Uldal
26.2 Baekskov
27.3 Kolsnap
28.8 Groß Nustrup dan. Store Nustrup
30.2 Lille Nustrup
34.3 Osterlinnet dan. Øster Lindet
37.5 Vesterlindet
from Rödding (Hadersleben district)
41.2 Gram dan. Grief
42.5 Grammby dan. Gramby
45.7 Thiset dan. Tiset
from Ustrup
50.3 Arnum dan. Arnum
to Scherrebek
Gramm – Rödding
Course book range : 102 h (1914)
Route length: 9.1 km
Gauge : 1000 mm ( meter gauge )
Top speed: 30 km / h
from Arnum dan. Arnum
41.2 Gram dan. Grief
to Hadersleben
43.1 Laasled Hp
45.3 Brendstrup Danish Brændstrup
49.7 Rödding dan. Rødding
Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof – Aarösund
Course book range : 102 h (1914)
Route length: 28.6 km
Gauge : 1000 mm ( meter gauge )
Top speed: 30 km / h
from Schottburg
0.0 Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof Danish. Haderslev Amtsbanegaard
to Christiansfeld
Mill electricity
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to Arnum
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1.5 Hadersleben Süderbrücke dan. Haderslev Syd
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4.3 Brorsböl Hp
5.1 Wandling dan. Vandling
8.0 Norderwilstrup dan. Nørre Vilstrup
9.8 Süderwilstrup dan. Sønder Vilstrup
Victoria Bath
12.8 Kjelstrup bath
14.6 Olufskaer
17.3 Heisagger dan. Hejsager
18.9 Halk dan. Halk
20.0 Sod
20.8 Hyrup
23.4 Oesby dan. Øsby
25.1 Haistrup dan. Hadstrup
26.1 Raade
27.2 Aarösund dan. Årøsund ByHp
28.6 Aarösund dan. Årøsund Havn
after Assens
Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof – Schottburg
Course book range : 102 h (1914)
Route length: 38.4 km
Gauge : 1000 mm ( meter gauge )
Top speed: 30 km / h
from Christiansfeld, Aarösund and Ustrup
0.0 Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof Danish. Haderslev Amtsbanegaard
1.2 Hadersleben state train station, dan. Haderslev Statsbanegaard
2.5 Ejsböl
6.0 Moltrup Danish Moltrup
7.1 Bramdrup dan. Sdr. Bramdrup
9.2 Hjerndrup
11.8 Ulriksbjerg
12.8 Simmerstedt dan. Simmersted
15.2 Maugstrup Danish Magstrup
16.8 Kastwraa dan. Kastvrå
18.5 Sommersted Öst Hp
19.5 Sommersted By
20.6 Sommerstedt Kleinbahnhof Danish. Sommersted Amtsbanegaard
Fredericia – Flensburg railway line
21.6 Sommersted Vest
23.2 Mölby dan. Tovskov
24.8 Empty Danish Learned
26.3 Oerstedt dan. Sönder Örstedt
29.7 Jels dan. Jels
32.6 Haraldsholm
34.6 Mecklenburg Krug Danish. Mikkelborg Kro
36.2 Skodborgskov
38.4 Schottburg Kleinbahnhof Danish. Skodborg
Ustrup – Scherrebek
Route of Haderslev District Jernbaner
Wittstedt train station
Course book range : 102 h (1914)
Route length: 65.8 km
Gauge : 1000 mm ( meter gauge )
Top speed: 30 km / h
from Hadersleben Kleinbahnhof, dan. Haderslev Amtsbanegaard
0.0 Ustrup dan. Ustrup
according to Arnum about grams
2.2 Wittstedt dan. Slukefter
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4.2 Arnitlund
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Fredericia – Flensburg railway line
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6.4 Oberjersdal Kleinbahnhof Danish. Over-Jerstal
Amtsbanegaard, (transition to the state railway)
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9.8 Niederjersdal dan. Neder-Jerstal
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10.9 Blankenhof
12.6 Strandelhjörn dan. Strandelhjørn
14.9 Galstedt dan. Galsted
16.2 Rangstrup Danish Rangstrup
19.2 Östergaarde
21.8 Aggerschau dan. Agerskov
24.0 Kjaergaard Hp
Branderup – Osterterp railway line from the north safety position
25.7 Branderup Mølle
Military railway to the north security position in the direction of Döstrup
26.6 Branderup Danish Branderup
26.8 Branderup Mark Hp
30.8 Mandbjerg
34.1 Toftlund Church Danish Toftlund Kirke
35.4 Toftlund dan. Toftlund
? Stenderup dan. Sönder Stenderup Hp
39.2 Gravlund
? Hoirup Danish Vester Højrup
from Ustrup to grams
44.8 Arnum dan. Arnum
48.9 Spandet dan. Spandet
51.1 Fjerstedt dan. Fjærsted
54.1 Roagger Danish Roager
55.1 Osterobeling dan. Øster Åbølling
58.3 Friefeld dan. Frifelt
61.7 Ullemölle
65.8 Scherrebek Kleinbahnhof Danish. Skærbæk Amtsbanegaard

The Haderslev Office Jernbaner ( German  Haderslebener orbit ) was an own establishment of the district Hadersleben in North Schleswig , which was ceded to Denmark the 1920s.

In 1914, the network of the Kleinbahn had a circumference of 209 kilometers. From 1936 the railway was no longer able to cope with the competition from the massively subsidized road traffic, and the routes were discontinued shortly after one another, most recently in 1939 the Haderslev – Toftlund section.


In the predominantly Danish-speaking North Schleswig, the Prussian state tried to massively improve the infrastructure. This also included the construction of small railways according to the Prussian Small Railroad Act of 1892.

The meter- gauge railway ran the following sections. All are listed in the course book 1914 under 102 h:

Hadersleben – Christiansfeld

route km opening Shutdown
German: Christiansfeld - Hadersleben
Danish: Christiansfeld – Haderslev
18.9 March 4, 1899 June 25, 1932

In the 1920s there were plans to relocate the main line ( Fredericia -) Kolding - Pattburg to the east, because Hadersleben and Aabenraa , the two largest cities in North Schleswig, should no longer be accessible only by branch and small railways. With this solution, parts of the Koldinger Südbahn and the Christiansfeld – Hadersleben circular route would have been included in the new main line. However, this project did not get beyond the planning stage. Instead, the roads in the part of the country were expanded.

Hadersleben – Gramm – Rödding

route km opening Shutdown
German: Hadersleben – Ustrup / Danish: Haderslev – Ustrup 11.3 4th August 1899 June 23, 1939
German: Ustrup – Woyens / Danish: Ustrup – Vojens 7.9 4th August 1899 November 30, 1938
German: Wojens – Gramm – Rödding / Danish: Vojens – Gram – Rødding 27.1 March 5, 1899 November 30, 1938

Gram – arnum

route km opening Shutdown
German: Gramm – Arnum / Danish: Gram – Arnum 9.1 September 13, 1910 May 21, 1937

Hadersleben – Aarösund

route km opening Shutdown
German: Hadersleben – Aarösund / Danish: Haderslev – Årøsund 28.6 May 28, 1903 February 15, 1938

Hadersleben – Schottburg

In 1905, the Flensburg – Fredericia railway line was raised and the narrow-gauge line was built with partial use of the cleared subgrade.

route km opening Shutdown
German: Hadersleben - Sommerstedt - Schottburg
Danish: Haderslev - Sommersted - Skodborg
37.3 July 1, 1905 February 1, 1933

The section between Amtsbanegaard and Statsbanegaard, equipped with four tracks with gauges of 1000 mm and 1435 mm, was taken over by the DSB in 1934 in order to be able to maintain train traffic to the port. For more information, see the Vojens – Haderslev line, details about the route and stations .


route Length
opening Shutdown
German: Ustrup – Oberjersdal – Toftlund
Danish: Ustrup – Over Jerstal – Toftlund
34.5 April 2, 1904 June 24, 1939
German: Toftlund – Arnum
Danish: Toftlund – Arnum
9.4 September 15, 1910 May 21, 1937
German: Arnum – Scherrebek
Danish: Arnum – Skærbæk
21.0 April 1, 1911 May 21, 1937

In Arnum, the “Kreis” railway closed in 1910 and the expansion phase ended in April 1911.

In Scherrebek there was a possibility to change to the march railway . In grams you could switch to the other route of the “Kreis” railway (to Rödding).

The Reichskursbuch 1914 lists four to six pairs of trains per day on the individual sections under the number 102 h; between Gramm and Rödding there were even seven.

The vehicle fleet comprised 35 steam locomotives, 62 passenger cars, 5 baggage cars, 17 mail cars, 335 freight cars and 26 others.

The traffic has always been in deficit and there was no money to renew the routes. So the circular path was set early.

Ferry connection between Aarøsund and Assens

From 1923 there was a need to bring sugar beet from Jutland to the sugar factory in Assens on Funen . For this purpose, the ferry port of Aarøsund, which until then only served car traffic, was equipped with track systems. The Sønderjylland vehicle ferry, built by the Schmidt-Tüchsen & Hegge shipyard in Laboe , has been in use there since 1921 .

In 1923, the car ferry in Aalborg Værft was converted into a railway ferry with tracks with a gauge of 1000 mm in order to be able to cross the vehicles loaded on the circular route to Funen. For this purpose, the bow and stern openings of the ferry were widened to 2.9 meters by removing the cladding and equipped with new wooden doors. On October 5, 1923, the first three freight cars were brought from Aarøsund to Assens.

On May 22, 1937, scheduled traffic on the Haderslev Amtsbanegaard – Aarøsund Havn line ended. The freight wagons were transported to Assens by the Kleinbahn until the end of the beet campaign in 1937/38.

After the end of the beet transports, the route 350 m before Aarøsund was interrupted from February 15, 1938 and the route to Haderslev was dismantled. The locomotive shed in Aarøsund, the tracks in the train station and on the ferry dock, as well as the remaining 350 meters of track, the steam locomotive No. 44 ( 1448/1910 / Jung) and 64 open wagons were taken over by Roedyrkerforeningen Haderslev Näs , which belongs to Assens Sukkerfabrik . This continued to transport the freight wagons by ferry.

After a collision with a mine on October 22, 1942, Sønderjylland sank south of Årø. After the uplift in the spring of 1943, it was repaired in Svendborg Skibsværft . Because of the oil shortage during the Second World War , the ship only sailed during the beet campaign from October to January until 1946.

In February 1951, after the end of the beet campaign in 1950, the transport of the railway wagons by ferry was stopped and the tracks on land dismantled.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Byvandring, på sporet of nedlagte privatbaner. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved September 19, 2019 (Danish).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / jernbanearkivalier.dk  
  2. Militærbanen Øster Terp – Branderup (Danish) (PDF; 3.1 MB)
  3. ^ Railway history in Hadersleben
  4. Rettelser and tilføjelser. Der forskes endnu i roebanerne, Side 76. In: dansk-jernbanearkiv.dk. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  5. Sønderjylland. Hændelser og særlige begivenheder. In: faergelejet.dk. Retrieved July 4, 2018 (Danish).

Web links

Commons : Haderslev Amts Jernbaner  - Collection of images