Hans Caspar von Klitzing

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Hans Caspar von Klitzing (* 1594 in Gollmitz ; † June 24, 1644 in Cologne ) was a German officer in the Swedish , Electoral Saxony , Brandenburg and Princely Brunswick-Lüneburg services, most recently lieutenant general . He was also the heir to Walsleben, Briesen , Brahmow and Glinicke near Cottbus .


His family comes from the Kurmark . His parents were Hans von Klitzing , heir to Gollmitz, and his wife Margarethe von Sparr from the Trampe family. Her parents were Caspar von Sparr and Margarethe von Barfus .

During the Thirty Years' War from 1621 he served the King of Poland-Lithuania in the fight against the Ottoman Turks , in a regiment of Hans Georg von Arnim . In 1625 he was first appointed a Swedish captain and in 1628 a colonel in the Green Regiment. On July 20, 1631 he was appointed colonel of a foot regiment. In 1632 he belonged to the delegation of the Saxon Elector Johann Georg I , who negotiated with Wallenstein to make a possible separate peace. He had to hand over his regiment to Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg on March 16, 1633 .

Klitzing was now in the Saxon service and fought against the Swedes. On August 28, 1636 he led the siege of Rathenow , the city fell on September 3. The defenders were killed and the city sacked. He went through Brandenburg with the army. On July 28, 1637, he was appointed major general and on August 14, 1637, the Swedish colonel from the east, called Sacken, handed over the Dömitz fortress, which he commanded, to Klitzing.

At the end of 1637, Elector Friedrich Wilhelm brought him into the Brandenburg service. As general, he was responsible for all Brandenburg fortresses, the soldiers stationed there and the entire military. In 1638 the elector gathered the troops in Neustadt-Eberswalde and Klitzing received a regiment of 850 men. Around February 22nd, Jul. / March 4, 1638 greg. he took the town of Gartz (Oder) . On April 19, 1638, Klitzing was commander of the Peitz fortress and successor to Wigand von Hacke until the end of the year . On July 27, 1638 he recaptured Rathenow from the Swedes. The defenders were given safe conduct.

After the death of Major General Johann Georg von dem Winkel (* 1596, † 1639) Klitzing was his successor and on May 2, 1639 he was appointed lieutenant general in Brunswick and Lüneburg. In 1640 he commanded General Baner's cavalry . In June 1641 August von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel united his army with the Swedes under Klitzing's command. In 1642 he became a Swedish lieutenant general. In 1644 he acquired the Briesen estate from his wife's family. But on June 24, 1644 he died in Cologne. His body was transferred to Cölln on the Spree and buried there on November 7, 1644 with full honors. His epitaph is in the Briesen church .


He was married to the daughter of Colonel Wigand von Hacke. With his wife Anna Margarethe von Hacke (* April 3, 1616, † April 13, 1664) he had two sons and five daughters. After the death of her husband, she married Count Johann Siegmund zu Lynar (* October 27, 1616; † August 20, 1665), the privy councilor and Lord zu Lübbenau .

His son Hans Caspar von Klitzing († December 26, 1709) became district administrator and regional director of the Cottbus district.


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Individual evidence

  1. Nase, Hermann (1999): On the history of the city of Gartz (Oder) in the Thirty Years War. In: Förderverein für die Gartz (Oder) eV, '1249 - 1999 Gartz (Oder) - Festschrift for the 750-year celebration', p. 32
  2. Klitzing, Hans Kaspar [Caspar] von. In: The Thirty Years' War in personal testimonies, chronicles and reports. Warlich, Bernd, November 16, 2012, accessed on May 5, 2018 .
  3. ^ Johann Siegmund von Lynar at geneall.net.
  4. Anna Margarethe von Hacke as worldhistory.de.
  5. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon . Volume 3, 1837, p. 118 ( digitized )