Hansludwig Scheffold

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Hansludwig Scheffold (born May 21, 1926 in Stuttgart ; † August 15, 1969 in Prien am Chiemsee ) was a German politician ( CDU ) and Lord Mayor of the Baden-Württemberg city ​​of Schwäbisch Gmünd .


After graduating from high school, Scheffold completed his legal studies and then became a legal officer at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education and the High School Office for North Württemberg . Since his studies he was a member of the Catholic student union KStV Alamannia Tübingen .

In 1962 his political career began as a member of the CDU parliamentary group in Stuttgart's municipal council . Three years later, Scheffold competed in the election for mayor against the incumbent Julius Klaus in the district town of Schwäbisch Gmünd. Scheffold gained 69% of the vote on January 17, 1965 and took over the office from Klaus, who caused a nationwide media response as the bull of Gmünd after he knocked down a photographer . Klaus also charged the allegation of unorthodox conduct of office and abuse of office . After an initial contradiction by Klaus and his supporters, the election result could not initially become final. After repeated nationwide media coverage, Klaus dropped his objection and Scheffold was able to take up his post.

During Scheffold's term of office there was a policy of expansion , because Scheffold was of the opinion that Schwäbisch Gmünd was too small to cope with the upcoming challenges, such as a new sewage treatment plant, schools, etc. In addition, one of his merits is that the preacher in Schwäbisch Gmünd was saved from demolition and expanded into a cultural center. In addition, the decisions for new building areas, the Strümpfelbach school center, as well as a new indoor swimming pool and a new large sports hall in Gmünder Schwerzer fall during his term of office.

Scheffold died of a heart attack during his tenure while on vacation at Chiemsee . The dismay and sadness in the city were great and it was decided to erect a monument to Scheffold by naming the newly built grammar school not after Jörg Ratgeb , as planned , but after Hansludwig Scheffold.

Scheffold was married. The Baden-Württemberg member of the state parliament, Stefan Scheffold, is his son.


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