Hot game for tough men

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German title Hot game for tough men
Original title El crimen tambien juega / Rebus
Country of production Italy
original language English
Publishing year 1968
length 81 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Nino Zanchin
script Mario Rossi
Sergio Donati
José Gutiérrez Maesso
Leonardo Martin
Juan Cesarabea
Manfred R. Koehler (German dialogues)
production Alberto Grimaldi
Wolf C. Hartwig
music Luis Bacalov
camera Cecilio Paniagua
cut Eugenio Alabiso
Hans Zeiler (German version)

Hot game for tough men is a Spanish-Italian-German crime film from 1968 with international star cast, including Laurence Harvey , Ann-Margret , Ivan Desny , Alberto de Mendoza and the former silent film star Camilla Horn , playing in an international casino environment here, after a decade and a half of abstinence from film, stepped in front of a movie camera for the first time.


The croupier Jeff Miller has seen better days; the days when he was the king of the roulette table are long gone. He no longer has a job and has since indulged in alcohol. One day there will be a chance to gain the upper hand again. A shrewd gang of international cardsharps, who have already blown up many a casino with a highly complex and very successful system, are planning the big coup in Beirut.

The local authorities have gotten wind of it and want to put an end to the criminal machinations of this gangster ring with Jeff's help once and for all. When one day Jeff meets the beautiful Laura on site, who entertains the casino guests as a singer, the counter-attack with Miller at the top threatens to fail. Because Jeff begins to fall in love with the wicked-looking artist. But she is in a relationship with the boss of the cheating ring, the elegant cosmopolitan Ginis. Can Jeff trust her ...?

Production notes

Hot game for tough men was created in 1968 in Beirut and London, among others. The film had its German premiere on January 17, 1969.

Ann-Margret sings the song "Take a Chance".


role actor Voice actor
Jeff Miller Laurence Harvey Erik Schumann
Laura Ann-Margret Helga Trümper
Ginis Ivan Desny Wolf Ackva
Zakir, chief of police Alberto de Mendoza Reinhard Glemnitz
Colonel Benson José Calvo Erik Jelde


The lexicon of international films saw the film as "adventure entertainment according to a scheme, moderately exciting, but without any particular hardship."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hot game for tough men. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed January 13, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used