Heinrich Düntzer

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Heinrich Düntzer (born July 12, 1813 in Cologne , † December 16, 1901 in Cologne; pseudonym: JH Blumer) was a classical philologist and literary historian.


Heinrich Düntzer devoted himself from 1830 to Bonn, then to Berlin, to ancient classical and linguistic studies and published as their first fruits the writings: The teaching of Latin word formation (Cologne 1836) and The declination of the Indo-European languages (Cologne 1839). He also wrote: Jacques-Auguste de Thou ’s Life, Writings and Historical Art (Preisschrift, Darmstadt 1837) and De versu quem vocant Saturnio (with Laurenz Lersch , Bonn 1838).

In the summer of 1837 he qualified as a professor in Bonn for classical literature, but in 1846 accepted the position of librarian at the Catholic high school in his hometown, since 1849 with the title of professor. In classical philology, a student of Boeckh and Welcker , he published numerous works.

Düntzer died in 1901 at the age of 88 and was buried in the family grave in Cologne's Melaten cemetery . The grave was cleared after the period of use had expired .

Publications (selection)


  • Homer and the epic Kyklos (Cologne 1839);
  • De Zenodoti studiis Homericis (Göttingen 1848);
  • Critique and explanation of the Horazische Gedichte (Braunschweig 1840–46, 5 vols.);
  • The Roman satirists (translation, Braunschweig 1846);
  • Rescue of the Aristotelian Poetics (that. 1840);
  • The fragments of the epic poetry of the Greeks (Cologne 1840–42, 3 parts);
  • The Homeric epithets of the gods and human race (Göttingen 1859); * Homeric treatises (Leipzig 1872);
  • Kirchhoff , Köchly and the Odyssey (Cologne 1872) and
  • The Homeric Questions (Leipzig 1874).


Düntzer has particularly earned and made himself known in wide circles through his in-depth and varied work on classical German literature, in particular on Goethe's life and works. The following particularly belong here:

  • Goethe's Faust in its unity and wholeness (Cologne 1836);
  • Goethe as a playwright (Leipzig 1837);
  • The legend of Dr. Johannes Faust (Leipzig 1848);
  • At Goethe's jubilation (Elberfeld. 1849);
  • Goethe's Prometheus and Pandora (Leipzig 1850);
  • Goethe's Faust (Leipzig 1850–51, 2 vol .; 2nd edition 1857);
  • Images of women from Goethe's youth (Leipzig 1852);
  • Friends' pictures from Goethe's life (Leipzig 1853);
  • Goethes Götz and Egmont (Braunschweig. 1854);
  • Goethe's Tasso (Leipzig 1854);
  • Goethe's lyric poems. Explained for educated readers (Elberfeld 1858, 2 vols.);
  • Schiller and Goethe (Stuttgart 1859);
  • Goethe and Karl August (Leipzig 1861–65, 2 vols.);
  • New Goethe Studies (Nuremberg 1861);
  • From Goethe's circle of friends (Braunschweig 1868);
  • Charlotte von Stein , Goethe's friend (Stuttgart 1874, 2 vols.);
  • Charlotte von Stein and Corona Schröter , a Defense (Stuttgart 1876);
  • Goethe's life (Leipzig 1880, 2nd edition 1883);
  • Goethe's entry into Weimar (Leipzig 1883);
  • Goethe and the libraries at Weimar and Jena . In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen , vol. 1, 1884, pp. 89-104 ( online ).
  • Treatises on Goethe's life and works (Wartig, Leipzig. 1885, 2 vol.) ( Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf )
  • Goethe's relationship with Cologne (Leipzig 1885).
  • Goethe's family trees (Gotha 1894) ( digitized version )


Düntzer obtained a complete edition of Herder's writings for Hempel's national library of all German classics :

  • Herder's works. According to the latest sources, rev. Output. Ed. U. accompanied with a note and a biography of the poet. 24 parts in 13 volumes. Hempel, Berlin 1869–1877.

Also published: Explanations of the German classics (Jena and Leipzig 1855-80, 78 booklets with the collaboration of Ludwig Eckardt ), which are intended for the general public and which, in addition to Goethe and Schiller's poetic works, include Klopstock's Oden , Lessing's Dramen, Wielands Oberon , Herder's cid and legends, Uhland's ballads and romances.

Edited correspondence

Valuable contributions to the knowledge of the classical literary period are made by the correspondence he edited between Goethe and Staatsrat Schultz (Leipzig 1853); Letters from Schiller's wife to a trusted friend (Leipzig 1856); From Herder's estate (Leipzig 1856–57, 3 vols.); From Knebel's correspondence with his sister Henriette (Jena 1858); On German literature and history , letters from Knebel's estate (Nuremberg 1857–58, 2 vols.); Herder's trip to Italy (Giessen 1859); From and to Herder (Leipzig 1861–1862, 3 vols.); Correspondence between Friedrich Jacobs and Franz Göller (Leipzig 1862); Two converts. Zacharias Werner and Sophie v. Schardt (Leipzig 1873); Schiller's Life (Leipzig 1881); Lessing's Life (Leipzig 1882); Christoph Kaufmann , the apostle of the genius era and Herrnhut doctor (Leipzig 1882).


As a poet, Düntzer appeared anonymously in Adeline. Love songs from the Rhine (Cologne 1860). Numerous treatises and articles by him can be found in magazines; He also wrote a catalog of the antiquities of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum (2nd edition, Cologne 1873) and gave Dido. A tragedy by Frau v. Stein (Frankfurt 1867). Düntzer was also active as an autobiographer. Two years before his death he published an outline of his life, education and professional career:

  • My job as an interpreter. 1835-1868. Wartig's Verl. Hoppe, Leipzig 1899.

Düntzer is credited with the critical formulation “ Goethe is wrong here ”; but it has not yet been proven in his writings.


  • Düntzer, Heinrich ... In: Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Sixth completely reworked. u. strongly reduced edition. Reclam, Leipzig [1913], Vol. 2, p. 77.
  • Hans-Martin Kruckis: Micrological Truth. The New German Studies of the 19th Century and Heinrich Düntzer. In: Germanisch-Romanische monthly NF 41 (1991), pp. 270–283.
  • Hans-Martin Kruckis: Düntzer, Johann Heinrich Joseph. In: Christoph König (Ed.), With the assistance of Birgit Wägenbaur u. a .: Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800–1950 . Volume 1: A-G. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2003, ISBN 3-11-015485-4 , pp. 411-412.

Web links

Wikisource: Heinrich Düntzer  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Picture of the old tomb. In: findagrave.com. Retrieved February 20, 2019 .