Heinz Kreutz

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Heinz Kreutz (born December 31, 1923 in Frankfurt am Main ; † December 17, 2016 in Penzberg ) was a German Informel painter .

life and work

Heinz Kreutz completed his training as a photographer . In the Second World War , seriously injured, he was sent to a hospital after the Battle of Stalingrad . From 1944 he began to work as an artist, inspired by cigarette pictures with “ degenerate art ” that a visitor smuggled into the hospital. In the years after the war Kreutz worked as a white binder and occasionally as a photographer and turned to abstract painting from 1948 . In 1950 he created the glass painting for the Evangelical Church in Ochshausen . With the help of a private grantIn 1951 he spent a study visit to Paris , had a studio here and discovered the Impressionists for himself. In 1952, together with Otto Greis , Karl Otto Götz and Bernard Schultze, he was one of the founding members of the Quadriga artist group , with which German painting regained its connection to the international artistic avant-garde in the post-war period . The exhibition was originally supposed to be called "New Expressionists ". On the opening evening, the joint exhibition of the four artists became the Quadriga. The location, the Zimmergalerie Franck (1949 to 1961) in Frankfurt am Main, consisted of two rooms in the private apartment of Klaus Franck, an insurance employee, owing to the post-war era.

At the beginning of the Informel era, Kreutz's paintings were characterized by their wildly wild forms and the depth of the space staggered in layers. Similar to Otto Greis , he looked for a way out of the formal language of tachistic painting in the later 1950s and found a concentrated and clear painterly language , especially through the study of Japanese calligraphy . In addition to his painting, Kreutz found an independent approach to form and color in drawing.

In 1960 Kreutz spent a study visit to Paris and in 1967 received a scholarship at the Cité Internationale des Arts Paris . From 1971 to 1973 he was a visiting lecturer at the College of Design in Offenbach am Main . Heinz Kreutz lived and worked in Antdorf in Upper Bavaria since 1976 . In 2002 Kreutz was awarded the Binding Culture Prize with the other Quadriga founders . In the late 80s of his life he stopped painting for fear that he would no longer live up to his standards.

Heinz Kreutz died on December 17, 2016 in Penzberg .

Works (selection)

  • 1960: Parisian watercolors
  • 1958: Hymn to Light , Städel Museum
  • 1993/1994: Canticle of the Sun by Francis of Assisi

Museum review

Literature (selection)

  • Heinz Kreutz: songs of the sun . 1997.
  • Heinz Kreutz: Interview with Kirsten Kretschmann-Muche . Rimbaud, Aachen 2003, ISBN 3-89086-706-5 .
  • Heinz Kreutz: Color is cloud and stone . About painting. Rimbaud, Aachen 2002, ISBN 3-89086-730-8 .
  • Heinz Kreutz: woodcuts . Catalog raisonné. Rimbaud, Aachen 2006, ISBN 3-89086-599-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Katrin Fügener: On the death of Heinz Kreutz: A master of fascinating light . Münchner Merkur , December 18, 2016, accessed on December 22, 2016.
  2. a b Heinz Kreutz passed away. In: The Yellow Leaf , 51st Week, December 21, 2016, p. 1 ( Online ( Memento of the original from December 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and Archive link according to instructions and then remove this note .. Accessed December 22, 2016). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.epaper-system.de