Hermann Leithenmayr

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Hermann Leithenmayr (born February 22, 1941 in Sierning , Upper Austria ; † August 21, 2010 in Steyr , Upper Austria) was an Austrian trade unionist and politician of the SPÖ . He was mayor of Steyr and a member of the National Council .


After compulsory school, Hermann Leithenmayr began an apprenticeship as a car fitter in the works of the local Steyr Daimler Puch AG, which he passed with the skilled worker examination in 1959.

works Council

Leithenmayr also attended numerous advanced training courses run by the Chamber of Labor and the ÖGB . In 1967 he became a works council and in 1983 was promoted to central works council chairman of the company, which also made him a member of the supervisory board of Steyr Daimler Puch AG . He was a member of the district and state management of the Metall-Bergbau-Energie trade union in 1979, and a member of the board of the Chamber for Workers and Salaried Employees for Upper Austria in 1982.

As a member of the Social Democratic Party, Leithenmayr was a member of the district executive of the SPÖ Steyr and district chairman of the Working Group for Sport and Physical Culture in Austria (ASKÖ) in the Steyr district .

houses of Parliament

Leithenmayr was a member of the National Council from December 13, 1983 to January 24, 1990 (16th and 17th electoral terms).


Immediately afterwards, he became Vice Mayor of the city of Steyr in 1990 , when Heinrich Schwarz was mayor. On November 7, 1991, the municipal council elected him in the third ballot as his successor. In the direct mayor election in 1997, he received 52.98% of the vote.

With a lot of commitment and strength, Hermann Leithenmayr has implemented many important projects for Steyr and the entire region: including the construction of the north spade, the construction of the train station overhang and the construction of parking decks at the ÖBB train station and the state hospital. Hermann Leithenmayr worked together with the state of Upper Austria to develop a residential building program for Steyr and thus contributed a great deal to making the housing shortage in Steyr a thing of the past.

He was also committed to the technological development of the city of Steyr. The FAZAT and VPTÖ-Profactor research centers , the Stadtgut business park with the TIC innovation center, the distance university and, above all, the technical college are the fruits of Hermann Leithenmayr's work. During his time as city boss, he bought the former main repair shop of Steyr Daimler Puch AG and converted this building into a modern municipal center as well as the roofing of the artificial ice rink. Hermann Leithenmayr also prepared the construction of the town hall on the Tabor and the construction of the Münichholz retirement and nursing home . In addition, he was President of the Supervisory Board of Ennskraftwerke AG from 1993 to March 2010 .

After Leithenmayr retired in 2001, he was the founder and chairman of the association “Friends of the Steyr Swimming School ” and campaigned for the renovation and revitalization of Europe's oldest working-class pool .


On August 30, 2010, the funeral ceremony took place at the municipal urn cemetery in the presence of the family, then the body was cremated in the Steyr crematorium. He leaves behind his wife, two daughters and three grandchildren.


Leithenmayr was an honorary citizen of the city of Steyr and holder of the Golden Medal of Honor of the State of Upper Austria . External effects of his many years of activity were also the honorary citizenship of Bethlehem , whose twin city is the Christkindlstadt Steyr, as well as the Viktor Adler plaque 2006, the highest award of the SPÖ for deserving members.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Former mayor of Steyr Leithenmayr (69) died ( Oberösterreichische Nachrichten ), accessed on September 1, 2010
  2. a b Hermann Leithenmayr on the website of the Austrian Parliament
  3. ↑ Mayoral election 1997 - overall results of Steyr-Stadt accessed on March 2, 2010
  4. schwimmschule-steyr.at ( Memento of the original from July 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved March 2, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.schwimmschule-steyr.at
  5. 1000 mourners say goodbye to the lobbyist of the common people Oberösterreichische Nachrichten of August 31, 2010, p. 29 (viewed September 5, 2010)