Hermann Pohlchristoph

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Hermann Pohlchristoph (born November 2, 1965 in Waltrop ) is an insurance manager. Between 2017 and 2020 he was a board member of the DAX company Munich Reinsurance Company.


After completing his training as an insurance salesman at R + V Versicherung in Wiesbaden , Pohlchristoph studied economics and business administration at the universities of Mainz and Bayreuth and graduated with a degree in business administration .

Professional background

Pohlchristoph began his professional career after completing his studies in 1994 as an auditor at Schitag Ernst & Young . In 1998 he switched to the reinsurance industry and from then on worked at GE Frankona Reinsurance in Munich, which was later taken over by Swiss Re , as Head of Finance. There he was temporarily responsible for financial reporting in accordance with the insurance -specific US GAAP principles .

In 2002 Pohlchristoph switched to competitor Munich Re, where he initially worked as a project manager in the Group CFO department and, from 2003, head of the central financial accounting and reporting department. From 2006 to 2017, Pohlchristoph was CFO Reinsurance and was therefore particularly responsible for financial reporting in the core reinsurance area. For a long time he was considered the designated successor to CFO Jörg Schneider , as his protégé he was.

In 2017, Pohlchristoph moved up as a member of the Board of Management of Munich Re and has since been responsible for the Asia-Pacific and Africa and Central Procurement and Services divisions as the successor to Ludger Arnoldussen . In December 2019, Munich Re announced that he would not extend his contract, which ran until April 2020, and that he would leave the company, with Achim Kassow , CEO of Ergo Deutschland , being appointed as his successor.

Since the Insurtech Hub Munich was founded in 2017, Pohlchristoph has been a representative of Munich Re on the organization's advisory board.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hermann Pohlchristoph. Handelsblatt, accessed on November 28, 2019 .
  2. a b Munich Re appoints new board. Fund Online, May 3, 2017, accessed November 28, 2019 .
  3. manager magazin : "Hermann Pohlchristoph" (December 20, 2019, page 20)
  4. Munich Re conquers cyber market: "We are investing heavily". be.in.Value, November 9, 2017, accessed on November 28, 2019 .
  5. Munich Re brings Ergo Manager Achim Kassow to the Board of Management. Welt Online, December 12, 2019, accessed January 8, 2020 .