Wilhelm Kisskalt

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Wilhelm Kißkalt (born October 21, 1873 in Würzburg , † February 14, 1958 in Munich ) was a German insurance manager.


Wilhelm Kißkalt, a son of Johann Michael Kißkalt, who acquired the renowned Hotel Schwan in Würzburg on February 12, 1872, studied law at the universities of Würzburg and Berlin . In 1892 he became a member of the Corps Bavaria Würzburg . After completing his studies, he initially worked in the Bavarian judicial service. In 1901 he settled as a lawyer in Munich as the partner of Hermann Pemsel , who in 1909 brought him to the board of the Munich Reinsurance Company . In 1918 he was appointed deputy chairman of the board and in 1922 general director and chairman of the board of the Munich Reinsurance Company, succeeding Carl von Thieme . In 1923, under his leadership, the Union Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft was founded in Zurich, which later became of decisive importance in maintaining foreign business during the Second World War . In 1938 he handed over the chairmanship to Kurt Schmitt and became deputy chairman of the supervisory board. After the Second World War, he initially worked in an advisory capacity for Munich Re. In 1950 he was appointed honorary chairman of the supervisory board.

Kißkalt was also chairman of the supervisory board of Hermes Kreditversicherungsbank AG in Berlin and deputy chairman of the supervisory board of Karlsruher Lebensversicherungsbank AG in Karlsruhe. He was on the supervisory boards of Allianz and Stuttgarter Verein Versicherungs AG in Berlin, Allianz and Stuttgarter Lebensversicherungsbank AG in Stuttgart and Berlin, Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG in Munich, United Berlinische und Preußische Lebens-Versicherungs-AG in Berlin and various other insurance companies in Germany , Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands and Switzerland. He was also a member of the supervisory board of Darmstädter und Nationalbank KGaA in Berlin.

Kißkalt was a founding member of the Munich University Society in 1922 and became its 1st chairman. He was co-founder, honorary senator and chairman of the committee for stock corporation law at the Academy for German Law . He belonged to the NSDAP .

His brother was the hygienist Karl Kisskalt . His sister was a painter in Würzburg.


  • Appointment to the Privy Council of Justice
  • Honorary doctorate from a Dr. rer. pole. hc
  • Honorary citizen of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich


  • Problems with the German balance of payments, part 1 . 1924.
  • Memories of Munich Re . Garmisch 1953 (copied from MS, library of the Munich Reinsurance).


  • Kißkalt, Wilhelm. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 1: A-K. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1930, DNB 453960286 , p. 931.
  • Werner Schubert (Ed.): Kißkalt, Wilhelm . In: Academy for German Law 1933–1945. Minutes of the Committees , Volume 1, 1986, p. LVI

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bruno Rottenbach: Würzburg street names. Volume 1, Franconian Society Printing Office, Würzburg 1967, p. 71.
  2. Wolfgang Bühling: Naftul-Gersch Rabinovich and the Princely-Wurzburg Medizinalverordnungen. A side light on dissertation and personal history. Würzburg medical history reports 21 (2002), pp. 319-325; P. 323
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 137 , 458
  4. ^ History of the Munich University Society ( Memento from December 30, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 311
  6. ^ Bruno Rottenbach: Würzburg street names. Volume 1, p. 71.

See also