Hermann von Plessen

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Hermann Karl Franz von Plessen (born April 8, 1803 in Königsberg , † January 27, 1877 in Klein-Sabow ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Hermann came from the originally noble Mecklenburg-Holstein noble family von Plessen . He was the son of Georg Karl Werner Friedrich von Plessen (born June 25, 1773 in Kleiniele ; † May 17, 1828 in Nauen ), district administrator in Flatow and fire society director of the Osthavelländische Kreis , and his wife Johanna Friederike Charlotte von Pastau (1777– 1809), a daughter of Major General Christian von Pastau .

Military career

From July 7th, 1817, Plessen was a cadet in Berlin and on July 9th, 1820 he was transferred to the Emperor Franz Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 as portepeef ensign. A year later he was promoted to second lieutenant there . As Prime Lieutenant , Plessen was a company commander in the combined guard reserve battalion from April 9, 1839 to April 12, 1843. He then resigned in his regular regiment while being promoted to captain and appointed company commander . As such, Plessen took part in the battle near Schleswig in 1848 during the campaign against Denmark . On October 19, 1848 he was transferred to Konigsberg as a major and then on January 16, 1849 as the second in command of the 1st Battalion of the 1st Guards Landwehr Regiment. After his promotion to lieutenant colonel on July 13, 1854, he was appointed battalion commander in the 1st infantry regiment on November 14, 1854 . In the further course of his military career, Plessen acted from June 5, 1857 to January 6, 1858 as the commander of the 13th Infantry Regiment and then until August 29, 1860 as the commander of the Emperor Franz Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2. In the meantime, Plessen was on May 22, 1858 were promoted to colonel and had on October 3, 1859 the Order of the Red Eagle III. Class received with a bow. On August 30, 1860, he was appointed commander of the 15th Infantry Brigade under position à la suite of the regiment . In this position, he was promoted to major general on October 18, 1861 . In addition, on November 12, 1861, he received the Commander's Cross First Class of the Saxon-Ernestine House Order and on January 18, 1863 the Order of the Red Eagle, Second Class with Oak Leaves. On June 9, 1864 Plessen was with the character as a lieutenant general with board for disposition made.

For the duration of the Franco-Prussian War , Plessen was deputy commander of the 5th Infantry Brigade from July 21, 1870. He was released from this post on June 27, 1871 and was awarded the star of the Order of the Crown, 2nd class, on January 18, 1872, in recognition of his services .

Plessen was a legal knight of the Order of St. John and Lord of the Staffelde.


Plessen married on January 15, 1841 in Königshorst with Pauline Sophie Adelaide, née Meyer (May 7, 1811 in Königshorst; † December 19, 1870 in Staffelde). The marriage resulted in six children, including the future Prussian Field Marshal Hans von Plessen .
