Horst-Peter Becker

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Horst-Peter Becker (born November 7, 1956 ) is a general physician ( army uniform wearer ) of the Bundeswehr and commander and medical director of the Bundeswehr Hospital in Berlin .

Military background


Becker joined in 1975 as a basic compulsory military service during transport battalion 370 in Hermeskeil when transporting troops of the army in the Bundeswehr one. There he completed his training as a reserve officer candidate until 1977 . In 1977, he became a medical officer contenders in the career of the officers of the Medical Service and completed by 1984, the study of medicine at the University of Cologne . After completing his studies, he began further training as a specialist in surgery at the Ulm Army Hospital in 1988 . From 1988 to 1989 he was employed as a troop doctor with the 28th Panzer Brigade in Dornstadt . After returning to the Bundeswehr Hospital in Ulm as an assistant doctor , he continued his training there and graduated in 1992 as a specialist in surgery. From 1992 to 1996 he was employed as a senior physician and completed medical training for visceral surgery . Further uses followed at Department II Surgery ; from 1996 to 1999 as senior consultant and finally from 1999 to 2011 as head of department of the reclassified clinic for general, visceral and thoracic surgery . From 2011 to 2012 Becker was in the medical management command , department head of the Bundeswehr hospitals, and after reclassification since October 1, 2012, department head C (hospital management, management of health facilities) in the medical service command of the Bundeswehr in Koblenz . This was followed by a position as deputy commander and medical director in the Bundeswehr hospital in Ulm.

Service as a general

On September 12, 2019, Becker, succeeding Admiral Doctor Knut Reuter , took over the Bundeswehr Hospital Berlin as commander and medical director. On 25 June 2020, it was awarded by the Federal Minister for Defense , Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer , the nomination for Surgeon General.

Becker is a specialist in surgery with the additional designation of special visceral surgery. He is a health economist and holds a Master of Business Administration in Health Care Administration.

Assignments abroad

Individual evidence

  1. Personnel changes in top military and civil positions - October 2019 Changes in personnel in top military and civil positions. In: www.bundeswehr.de/. Press and Information Office in the Federal Ministry of Defense, November 19, 2019, accessed on June 28, 2020 .
  2. Uwe Henning: Generalarzt: Joy about the golden star. In: https://www.bundeswehr.de/ . PIZ ZSan, June 26, 2020, accessed June 28, 2020 .