Reserve officer candidate

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Reserve officer candidates (ROA) are officer candidates in the Bundeswehr in one of the career paths for reserve officers . The training takes place in or outside of the military service .


Mudra barracks in Cologne: location of the Bundeswehr personnel office

Reserve officer candidates must have a high school diploma , a technical college entrance qualification or an educational level recognized as equivalent. A secondary school diploma with vocational training or the completion of the non-commissioned officer training (with promotion) or the completion of the school part of the technical college entrance qualification can be submitted.

Whether the admission requirements are met is checked by the Assessment Center for Executives of the Bundeswehr (ACFüKrBw), formerly the Officer Examination Center (OPZ), in Cologne. For this purpose, applicants have to undergo an aptitude assessment procedure that includes questions, tests, an elaboration, an interview, group situations and the basic fitness test (BFT). The HR managers decide on suitability and qualifications as well as as required.


The training of the ROAs corresponds to the troop servants, whereby a change to other careers is possible. The aim of the training is to be deployed as platoon leader or deputy company commander . There are two alternatives available:

In military service

With an obligation period of two (SaZ 2) or three years (SaZ 3), military service training is possible for army, air force and naval uniforms as well as for the medical services of the Bundeswehr .

In the army, reserve officer candidates initially take part in the officer candidate course in Hammelburg or Munster for six months . This is followed by the three-month officer courses, parts 1 and 2, at the Army Officer School (OSH) in Dresden . This is followed by a twelve-month military internship (for SaZ 2) or first the three-month language training at the Artillery School in Idar-Oberstein , then a three-month military internship, the twelve / thirteen-month officer course part 3 at a training center and again a five-month military internship (for SaZ 3) .

In the Air Force, the three-month basic training takes place at a training company in Roth or Germersheim . The reserve officer candidates then complete the officer training course at the Air Force Officer School (OSLw) in Fürstenfeldbruck. This is followed by dependent military training ( air force security force , NBC / self-protection, personnel officer in the armed forces, military intelligence, information technology officer [only for SaZ 3] or press officer in the armed forces) and an internship.

In the Navy, the reserve officer candidates undergo basic training at the Naval School Mürwik (MSM) in Flensburg and on the sailing training ship Gorch Fock . This is followed by the six-month officer course, also in Mürwik, and the dependent military training (operations service [only for SaZ 3], supply / transport [only for SaZ 3], military intelligence or personnel management) and an internship in the troops.

In the medical service general basic training / medical fundamentals, the career begins with the three-month general basic training or the medical fundamentals in the medical training regiment in Feldkirchen . This is followed by a military internship. The six-week specialist training course for medical service officers of the Bundeswehr and the eight-week officer training for officers of the medical service take place at the Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr (SanAkBw) in Munich.

In principle, it is possible to continue to work from 2 to 3.

Outside of military service

Training outside of military service is possible for all careers of reserve officers, with the exception of those who have been exposed to naval uniforms. Here, the reserve officer candidates have generally already completed several months of basic military service , including general basic training .

In the army, unused soldiers first go through two ten-day general armed forces training courses (modules 1 and 2) at the troop schools. Unserved and served then take part in three ten-day reserve officer courses that take place at the training centers of the military branches. There are also at least 14 days of internship in the troops.

In the Air Force, the reserve officer candidates complete two month-long officer courses (part 1 and 2) at the Air Force Officer School (OSLw) in Fürstenfeldbruck. This is followed by a month-long leadership training, also at the OSLw, and a military-technical training (see “within the military service”).

In the medical service, the reserve officer candidate can complete the officer course ROA medical service of the Bundeswehr module 1 in ten days of training and the officer course ROA medical service of the Bundeswehr module 2 in twelve training days at the medical academy of the German armed forces (SanAkBw) in Munich and in between and subsequent 12 days of training in military exercises complete the career in the troop.


During the training, the reserve officer candidate is promoted analogous to the standing time of the servants. He goes through u. a. the ranks cadet / midshipman and Ensign / Midshipman . If the officers' examination has been passed successfully, the ROAs can be appointed lieutenant / lieutenant at sea and thus reserve officer no earlier than 36 months after taking up service .

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