Horst Bullan

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Horst Bullan (born February 27, 1926 in Kiekebusch ; † October 22, 2016 in Leipzig ) was a German historian and publishing director in the GDR . From 1968 to 1989 he was head of the Urania publishing group in Leipzig and Berlin .


Bullan, the son of a musician , attended a cadet school from 1940 to 1943 after elementary school and then passed the so-called war high school diploma . Until 1945 he fought with the rank of lieutenant in the German Wehrmacht in World War II and was deployed in Italy . In May 1945 he was taken prisoner by the Soviets and was interned in the Cherepovets camp until February 1948 . In captivity he became a member of the anti-fascist National Committee Free Germany (NKFD).

In 1948 Bullan returned to Germany and took part in retraining. In 1950 he enlisted in the Barracked People's Police (KVP) in the GDR and became a teacher at an officers' school . In 1953 he graduated in military history as a graduate historian at the University of Leipzig and became the rank of Major lecturer of History and Military History at the Military Political Academy Wilhelm Pieck of the National People's Army (NVA). From 1959 to 1963 Bullan was editor-in-chief at the specialist book publisher specializing in reference works.

In 1964 Bullan took over the editorial office at Urania-Verlag and carried out a thematic reorientation of the publishing house. From 1968 to 1989 Bullan was the head of the Urania-Verlag affiliated publishing group, which included Urania in Leipzig and Berlin, Neumann Verlag in Radebeul , Ziemsen Verlag in Wittenberg and Arnold Verlag in Leipzig. Bullan was also a member of the Presidia of the Kulturbund der DDR and the Urania Society .

From 1990 to 1992 Bullan was head of the Munich Südwest Verlag office in Leipzig. He lived in Leipzig.


In the 1950s Bullan emerged with various publications on the Second World War and headed a working group on the Wehrmacht General Friedrich Paulus . In the 1960s, Bullan turned to popular science publications and later became largely responsible for the development, design and dissemination of popular science literature in the GDR.



Individual evidence

  1. publisher Horst Bullan aged 90 died. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung. November 15, 2016, accessed February 1, 2017 .
  2. ^ New Germany of May 11, 1984