Ignatius Aloysius Reynolds

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Ignatius Aloysius Reynolds (born August 22, 1798 in Bardstown , Kentucky , USA , † March 6, 1855 in Charleston , South Carolina ) was Bishop of Charleston .


Ignatius Aloysius Reynolds attended the seminary in Bardstown. Since December 1821 Reynolds studied Catholic theology and philosophy at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore . He received on 24 October 1823 by the Archbishop of Baltimore , Ambrose Maréchal PSS , the sacrament of Holy Orders .

Reynolds became rector of St. Joseph's College in 1824 . In 1830 he was succeeded Francis Patrick Kenrick professor of Catholic theology at the Theological Seminary in Bardstown. Ignatius Aloysius Reynolds then became Superior of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth and pastor in Louisville and vicar general .

On November 28, 1843, Pope Gregory XVI appointed him . to the Bishop of Charleston. The Bishop of Cincinnati , John Baptist Purcell , donated to him on 19 March 1844 in the Saint Peter in Chains Cathedral in Cincinnati the episcopal ordination ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Pittsburgh , Michael O'Connor SJ , and the Bishop of Nashville , Richard Pius Miles OP .

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predecessor Office successor
John England Bishop of Charleston
Patrick Neeson Lynch