Jean Marcadé

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Jean Marcadé (full name Jean Adrien Joseph Marcadé ; born April 27, 1920 in Libourne ; died December 28, 2012 in Royan ) was a French classical archaeologist .


Jean Marcadé began studying humanities in 1939 at the École normal supérieure in Paris . After the Agrégation in Classical Studies in 1943, he turned to classical archeology, especially Greek sculpture and epigraphy , under the influence of his teachers Charles Picard and Pierre de La Coste-Messelière . In 1946 he successfully applied for a position at the École française d'Athènes , where he initially worked under Robert Demangel until 1950 . As a teacher of ancient Greek , he served in 1950 at the Institut français d'Athènes , before he again worked for the École français d'Athènes from 1951 to 1953. The Athens years were mainly filled with research on the sculpture finds from Delphi and Delos - viewing the material, documenting and assembling the fragments.

In 1953 he returned to France and became a lecturer at the University of Bordeaux , which in 1969 appointed him Professor of Classical Archeology and Ancient Art History. In the same year, the doctorate at the University of Paris with the work Au musée de Délos. Étude sur la sculpture hellénistique en ronde bosse découverte dans l'île - a study of the finds of Hellenistic round sculptures from the island.

From 1971 onwards, in addition to his teaching duties in Bordeaux, Jean Marcadé held regular seminars on Greek sculpture at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne , which in 1978 appointed him to the chair of Classical Archeology. He taught here until his retirement in 1989.

Jean Marcadé has worked in scientific editorial offices and directorships for various journals, such as the Revue des études anciennes , the Journal des savants and the Revue archéologique as well as the Monuments et Mémoires de la Fondation E. Piot. For the series Archaeologia Mundi of the Swiss publishing house Nagel he took over the scientific management of 12 volumes, for the series L'art ancien de l'humanité for 10 volumes.

Jean Marcadé was a member of the advisory board of the École française d'Athènes, the committee of the Center national de la recherche scientifique and the Conseil national des universités, an advisory body that decides on the career planning of university professors and maîtres de conférences . In 1994 he was president of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres , of which he has been a member since 1983.

Memberships and honors

Publications (selection)

  • Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs. De Boccard, Paris 1953-1957.
  • Essai d'un répertoire historique des sculpteurs célèbres (Antiquité gréco-romaine). Mazenod, Paris 1954.
  • Roma Cupid. Nagel, Geneva 1961.
  • Eros kalos. Essai on the representations of the erotica in l'art grec. Nagel, Geneva 1962.
  • Au Musée de Délos. Étude sur la sculpture hellénistique en ronde bosse découverte dans l'île. De Boccard, Paris 1969.
  • Etudes de sculpture et d'iconographie antiques. Scripta varia, 1941-1991. Sorbonne University, Paris 1993.


  • Henri Lavagne, Alain Pasquier : In memoriam Jean Marcadé. In: Comptes rendus de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (CRAI). 2014, p. 5 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Antoine Hermary, Madeleine Jost, Christian Le Roy: In memoriam Jean Marcadé (1920–2012). In: Revue archéologique Nouvelles Séries, Volume 56, 2013, pp. 389–398 ( online ).

Web links