Jean Miotte

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Jean Miotte (1995)

Jean Miotte (born September 8, 1926 in Paris , † March 1, 2016 in Pignans ) was a French painter and illustrator . He is considered one of France's great abstract painters and was one of the first exponents of L'Art Informel , an art movement that began in Paris in 1945.


After the end of the Second World War, Miotte first studied mathematics and engineering at the École spéciale des travaux publics, du bâtiment et de l'industrie (ESTP) and graduated with a bachelor's degree. He already devoted himself to (figurative) painting during his student days. From 1947 he regularly visited the studios of Othon Friesz and Ossip Zadkine in Montparnasse .

His restless creativity began Miotte 1948 after a trip to Italy, where he first in Florence , the Quattrocento fathomed and later in Rome with the painters Piero Dorazio , Mino Guerrini and Achile Perilli and Franco Ambris and Ricardo Antohi from the artist group Movimento per l'arte concreta convened .

After returning from Italy in 1949 he set up his studio in Meudon , where he met the Italian painter Gino Severini and the American painter Sam Francis . He also made the acquaintance of Hans Arp , a German-French painter. During this time Miotte developed his preference for abstract art. Just four years later, in 1953, Miotte moved his residence and studio to the Prince Yiourievitch Villa in Bologna , where he often met with his friends Pierre Dimitrienko , André Lanskoy and Serge Poliakoff .

As a fellow of the Ford Foundation , he first traveled to New York in 1961, where he met protagonists of the post-war avant-garde, including Robert Motherwell and Mark Rothko . In 1962 further trips through the United States of America followed.

Back in France, Miotte moved into his first studio in Pignans in 1963 and in 1970 became a member of the artists' association Salon des Réalités Nouvelles . However, at this point in time he was still far from settling down: In 1972 Miotte moved his studio to Hamburg , a year later to Vitry-sur-Seine and in 1976 he moved on to SoHo , New York .

Miotte was the only western artist to be invited to Beijing in 1979 after the end of the Cultural Revolution . Due to the great interest shown by Chinese intellectuals, artists and students in his works, he was invited to Shanghai , Guilin and Guangzhou .

In 1982 Miotte traveled to Japan with stays in Nara and Kyoto .

Together with Guy de Rougement and Mehdi Qotbi , he took part in the Euro-Arab symposium in Malta in 1987.

In 1994 Miotte relocated his studio to Friborg in Üechtland (Switzerland) and one year later to Pignans again, where his friend Gérard Anezin designed and built a new studio for him in 1995 - but it burned out two years later.

Jean Miotte died on March 1, 2016 in Pignans.


During his early years Miotte painted oil paintings, especially still lifes , but also imaginary compositions.

In his first abstract works, which were shown for the first time as a solo exhibition in the Durand Gallery in Paris in 1957, dark colors still dominate. In his later, more mature compositions, rhythmic painting values ​​show their full effect. In addition to black and white, Miotte also uses strong (primary) colors in artistic combinations.

During the short time in Hamburg, Miotte began to replace oil paints with acrylic in his works. Since then, his pictures have also been characterized by a striking reduction.

Miotte also experiments with gouache, ink, etching, lithography and collages. The use of black paint on a white or raw surface is often reminiscent of calligraphy; when color appears, it ranges from primary to earthy tones.

Critics say he is unique among the Art Informel artists because he wanted to grow permanently, fought against repetition, and repeatedly questioned himself and his form of expression. Today his works are in the collections of many renowned museums around the world.


  • Délivrance (1960), oil on canvas, Museum Ludwig , Cologne
  • Untitled (1979), Neue Pinakothek , Munich
  • L'Espace en Soi en Soi L'Espace (1987), Museum of Modern Art , New York, USA
  • Untitled (1988), acrylic on firm paper, Museum am Ostwall , Dortmund
  • Untitled (1990), acrylic on handmade paper, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund
  • Le Maître du monde (1995), etching on handmade paper, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund


  • Ingo Bartsch: Jean Miotte, sign, gesture, color . Bibliography, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund 2000, ISBN 978-3-925998-32-4 .
  • Jean Miotte, Karl Ruhrberg: Jean Miotte . Illustrated book, Wienand Verlag, Cologne 2000, ISBN 978-3-87909-614-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ MoMA: The collection. Retrieved May 16, 2018 .