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location Krasnodar Region , Rostov Oblast ( Russia )
River system Jeja
source 50 km east of Tikhorezk
45 ° 52 ′ 30 ″  N , 40 ° 51 ′ 38 ″  E
Source height approx.  100  m
muzzle Sea of ​​Azov 5 km west of Staroshcherbinovskaya Coordinates: 46 ° 39 '54 "  N , 38 ° 35' 26"  E 46 ° 39 '54 "  N , 38 ° 35' 26"  E
Mouth height m
Height difference approx. 100 m
Bottom slope approx. 0.32 ‰
length 313 km
Catchment area 8650 km²
Drainage at the Kushchevskaya gauge MQ
2.5 m³ / s
Left tributaries Ternovka, Vessyolaya, Sossyka
Right tributaries Gorkaya, Ploskaya, Kawalerka, Kugo-Jeja
Communities Novopokrovskaya , Krylovskaya , Kushchevskaya , Staroschtscherbinovskaya
Navigable not navigable

The Jeja ( Russian Е́я ) is a 313 km long tributary of the Azov Sea in the northern Caucasus foothills in Russia .


The Jeja rises at a height of about 100  m in the steppes of the northeastern Kuban area . The source is located about 50 km as the crow flies east of the city of Tichorezk , a few kilometers southeast of Stanitsa Novopokrovskaya in the Krasnodar region . The Jeja flows through the north of the region in a north-westerly, later westerly direction. On part of the lower reaches it marks the border to Rostov Oblast or flows through its territory for a few kilometers. The area through which it flows in the lower reaches is heavily swamped. It finally empties not far from the Stanitsa Staroschtscherbinowskaja in the Jeja-Liman (also Jeiski-Liman or Jeisker Liman ) of the Bay of Taganrog of the Sea of ​​Azov. The up to 13 km wide Liman opens a good 20 km further west to the open sea.

The Jeja flows through no towns, but a variety of larger Stanizen, some of which have up to 30,000 inhabitants, including other than those referred Kalnibolotskaja , Krylovskaya , Kisljakowskaja , Kushchyovskaya , Schkurinskaja and Kanelowskaja . A few kilometers from the river, on its left tributary Sossyka , lies the large Stanitsa Starominskaya , on the southwestern bank of the mouth of the Jeja-Liman the city of Yeisk, named after the river .

The most important tributaries are Gorkaya, Ploskaya, Kawalerka and Kugo-Jeja from the right and Ternowka, Wessjolaja and Sossyka from the left.


The catchment area of ​​the river covers 8650 km². The mean flow rate at the central reaches of the Stanitsa Kushchovskaya is only 2.5 m³ / s. Practically along its entire length, the river is regulated by small dams and represents an uninterrupted series of ponds. From the upper middle reaches the water of the river is slightly salty.

Use and infrastructure

The jeja is not navigable. Because of its salt content, its water can only be used to a limited extent to irrigate agricultural areas.

Not far from its source, the Jeja is  crossed by the Volgograd  - Salsk - Tichorezk railway in Stanitsa Novopokrovskaya, by the Rostov-on-Don  - Makhachkala line at Kushchevskaya and by the Bataisk  - Krasnodar line at Kanelovskaya . The M4 trunk road from Moscow to Krasnodar and on to the Black Sea crosses the Jeja at Kisljakowskaja, the regional road R268 from Bataisk to Krasnodar not far from the estuary.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Article Jeja in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D038185~2a%3D~2b%3DJeja