Johann Friedrich Schannat

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Johann Friedrich Schannat (* July 23, 1683 in Luxembourg ; † March 6, 1739 in Heidelberg ) studied law and worked as a historiographer in Fulda , Mainz and Prague . He was a subdeacon of the Catholic Church, but was never fully ordained a priest.

life and work

Johann Friedrich Schannat was born on July 23, 1683 in Luxembourg as the son of a Franconian doctor. He studied law and canonical studies at the University of Leuven and at the age of 22 became a lawyer at the parliament in Mechelen . In 1707 he wrote his first historical text "The History of the Counts of Mansfeld ". After further studies in theology , he was ordained a subdeacon in 1708 and held a canonical in Liège until 1714 .

Historian in Fulda, Mainz and Prague

After study trips to Paris and various university libraries, he was appointed historian of the Fulda monastery in 1722 by the Prince Abbot Konstantin von Buttlar (1679–1726). He worked on the history of the monastery and its possessions in several writings and earned a reputation as a good historian. A scholarly dispute arose when Schannat's discoveries touched the ownership rights of the Prince-Bishops of Würzburg and the Landgraves of Hesse in the area of ​​the Fulda Abbey and these counter- reports were drafted by the historians Johann Georg Estor (1699–1773) and Johann Georg von Eckhart (1664–1730) let.

The following writings from this period were published:

  • Vindemiae literariae 2 vols., Leipzig 1723-1724;
  • Corpus traditionum Fuldensium , Leipzig 1724;
  • Fuldischer Lehnhof , Frankfurt (Main) 1726;
  • Dioecesis Fuldensis , Frankfurt (Main) 1727;
  • Collection of old historical writings , Frankfurt (Main) 1727;
  • Historia Fuldensis , Frankfurt (Main) 1729.

In 1729, the Archbishop of Mainz, Franz Ludwig von der Pfalz (1664–1732) appointed Schannat to his service and commissioned him to draw up a history of the diocese of Worms , of which he was the official he was. This is where the Historia episcopatus Wormatiensis originated and was printed in Frankfurt (Main) in 1734.

The Archbishop of Prague , Johann Moritz Gustav von Manderscheid-Blankenheim (1676–1763) brought Schannat to his court in 1734. There the recognized scholar was supposed to write a story of the Counts of Manderscheid . In 1735, Schannat financed a three-year stay in Italy from his employer. From the Bibliotheca Vaticana in Rome and the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan , Schannat brought extensive archive material with him in 1738, on the basis of which three important works were created, but which remained unfinished because of Schannat's sudden death on March 6, 1739 in Heidelberg .

Posthumous publications

This is the font Histoire abregee de la maison Palatine , which was printed posthumously in 1740 .

On the basis of Schannat's material, a documentation was created with the title Concilia Germaniae , which presents the history of all synods and councils that took place on German soil. It was completed by the Cologne Jesuit and historian Hermann Joseph Hartzheim and published between 1759 and 1790. The full Latin title of the eleven-volume work is Concilia Germaniae Quae Celsissimi Principis Joannis Mauritii, Archi-Episcopi Pragensis Sumptu Cl. Joannes Fridericus Schannat Magna Ex Parte Primum Collegit, Your P. Josephus Hartzheim SJ Ejusdem Celsissimi Impensis Plurimum Auxit, Continuavit, Notis, Digressionibus Criticis, Charter, Et Dissertatione Chorographicis Illustravit Coloniae Augustae Agrippinensium

The Eiflia illustrata , which Schannat created during his stay in Prague , also goes back to the initiative of the Prince-Bishop Count von Manderscheid-Blankenheim . This first and extensive work on the history of the Eifel should also be edited by Joseph Hartzheim after the author's early death. However, he died before the extensive fragment of documents and messages was completed. The manuscript was then lost for many years. The Prüm district administrator and local researcher Georg Bärsch found a copy of Schannat's work in the ducal library in Darmstadt . He had the manuscript written in Latin translated, supplemented Schannat's information with his own research and published the work under the title Eiflia illustrata or geographical and historical description of the Eifel by Johann Friedrich Schannat in three volumes with eight sub-volumes between 1824 and 1855. In this edition, Bärsch's contributions, comments and additions make up the larger part of the work.




  • Helene (Clemm-) Fuchs: Johann Friedrich Schannat and his editions of the Fulda certificates. Marburg (Lahn) 1921 [Diss., Handwritten, burned in 1944]
  • Aloys Ruppel : Schannat's appointment as a Fulminian historian. In: Joseph Theele (ed.): From Fuldas Geistesleben. Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the Fulda State Library. Verlag der Fuldaer Actiendruckerei, Fulda 1928, pp. 40–52.
  • Walter Goetze: From the early days of methodical research into historical sources. Johann Friedrich Schannat and his Vindemiae litterariae (= Berlin Studies on Modern History 7, ZDB -ID 1449128-x ). Triltsch, Würzburg 1939 (also: Würzburg, diss.).
  • Herbert Wagner: The "Eiflia illustrata" and its author. In: Regional history quarterly papers. Vol. 29, 1983, ISSN  0458-6905 , pp. 105-118.
  • Karl Otermann: The founder of the "Eiflia illustrata". In: Cologne. Rundschau from December 1, 1955, also published in Die Heimat lighten , ed. P. Baales 2004
  • Thomas Wallnig, Joëlle Weis: Johann Friedrich Schannat learns the practices of (church) historical scholarship. In: Revista de Historiografía. No. 21, vol. 11, (2/2014), ISSN  1885-2718 , pp. 135-150 ( online ).
  • Joëlle Weis: Johann Friedrich Schannats Historia Fuldensis and the scholarly dispute with Johann Georg von Eckhart. In: Cornelia Faustmann, Gottfried Glaßner, Thomas Wallnig (eds.): Melk in the baroque republic of scholars. The brothers Bernhard and Hieronymus Pez, their research and networks (= Thesaurus Mellicensis. 2). Melk Abbey, Melk 2014, ISBN 978-3-9502328-8-2 , pp. 195-204.
  • Joëlle Weis: Before the book becomes a book. The origin of the Historia Fuldensis. Markus Friedrich, Jacob Schilling (ed.): Practices of early modern historiography. de Gruyter, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-11-057230-8 , pp. 309-330.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wilhelm Engel: Johann Friedrich Schannat. Life - work - estate. 1st part: life and work. In: Archival Journal . tape 44 . Stuttgart 1936, p. 32 .
  2. The representation refers to Georg Bärsch: Some news from Schannat's life and work. In: Schannat / Bärsch: Eiflia illustrata. Volume 1, Cologne 1824, pp. XV ff. The biographical data listed by Bärsch come from Schannat's Histoire abregee de la maison Palatine published posthumously in 1740 . The author was the French historiographer Antoine de La Barre de Beaumarchais († 1759).
  3. ^ Hans-Peter Lachmann: 100 years of Fulda research in Marburg. In: Walter Heinemeyer (Ed.): Hundert Jahre Historische Kommission für Hessen 1897–1997 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Hessen. 61). Part 2. Elwert, Marburg 1997, ISBN 3-7708-1083-X , p. 1153 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  4. ^ Wolfgang Breul-Kunkel : Dominance crisis and Reformation. The imperial abbeys Fulda and Hersfeld approx. 1500–1525 (= sources and research on the history of the Reformation. Volume 71). Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2000, ISBN 3-579-01739-X , p. 18 ( limited preview in the Google book search).