Johann Philipp Harrach

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Johann Joseph Philipp Count Harrach (born October 22, 1678 in Vienna ; † August 8, 1764 there ) was an Imperial Field Marshal . From 1739 to 1762 he was President of the Court War Council and from 1733 until his death Commander of the Austrian Province of the Teutonic Order .



Johann Joseph Philipp Graf Harrach came from the old Bohemian noble family Harrach . His father Ferdinand Bonaventura I Harrach (* 1637, † 1706) was during the reign of Emperor Leopold I , a major Austrian diplomat . He had the Palais Harrach built in Vienna and the castle that was destroyed in the Turkish wars rebuilt in Rohrau , the family seat . His brother Franz Anton Prince of Harrach (* 1665; † 1727) became Bishop of Vienna in 1702 and Archbishop of Salzburg from 1712 .

Military background

Johann Philipp did his first military service in the War of the Spanish Succession . In the Battle of Cassano (August 16, 1705) he took part as commander of an infantry regiment . As a general he fought with distinction in the Battle of Calzinato (April 17th) in 1706. During the retreat he held the advancing French army with his Herberstein regiment and six grenadier companies at a Chiesebrücke until his own defeated troops could be gathered and brought back into action. When the enemy tried to circumvent the position, he was able to thwart the project. After winning the battle of Turin (September 7, 1706), Prince Eugene sent him to Vienna with news of victory because of his services during the campaign.

In 1708 Harrach was promoted to Lieutenant Field Marshal . He was still in the field until the Peace of Utrecht , among others in the battle near Mons in 1709, in the Dauphine from 1711 to 1712 and in the Black Forest in 1713 .

In 1716 he fought as Feldzeugmeister in the Battle of Peterwardein (August 5th) against the Turks again under the command of Prince Eugene. In 1717, with the conquest of Belgrade (August 22), he commanded the second meeting .

In 1723 Harrach received his promotion to field marshal and in 1739 Emperor Karl VI appointed him . as President of the Court War Council , an office he held until 1762. Johann Philipp Graf Harrach died on August 8, 1764 at the age of 85 in Vienna. A grave monument for him is in the Teutonic Order Church (Vienna) .


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predecessor Office successor
Dominik von Königsegg-Rothenfels President of the Court War Council
Leopold Joseph Daun