Josef Moser (pharmacist)

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Josef Moser (born July 7, 1779 in Lichtental near Vienna, † June 15, 1836 in Vienna ) was an Austrian pharmacist and pioneer of gas lighting .

Joseph Moser ( Austrian Citizens Calendar 1846)


After completing his apprenticeship, the son of a pharmacist remained an assistant for a short time in his father's pharmacy, Zum golden Löwen, at Josefstädter Strasse No. 30 (today as Alte Löwen-Apotheke No. 25) in the 8th district of Vienna and then traveled to Berlin for further scientific training (as a student with Martin Heinrich Klaproth ), Erfurt (as a student with Johann Bartholomäus Trommsdorff ), Jena , Leipzig , Halle , Heidelberg , as well as Switzerland , Italy and Paris .

In 1809 he took over his father's pharmacy. As early as 1802 he founded a pharmaceutical-chemical reading society for the scientific further education of pharmacy assistants . The resulting newspaper and book collection was converted into a gremial library in 1814 and developed into the largest German-speaking pharmaceutical specialist library. 1816 Moser in 1825 to one of the board members and Gremial basic judges selected suburban Josef city.

In the pharmacy laboratory he did chemical research. For example, he produced gas from earth resin and chemical ignition powder ( chlorate of potash ). With gas, Moser was the first to introduce gas lighting for the display of his pharmacy in a public bar in Vienna in 1816, which caused a sensation. Even members of the court and Emperor Franz II came to view the display.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Pharmacy history" on the website of the Alte Löwen-Apotheke , viewed on October 26, 2009