Joseph Adam von Mölk

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Interior view of the Michelhausen parish church . Both the illusionistic wall and ceiling painting and the high altar painting are works by Josef Adam Mölk.
Ceiling fresco in the Maria Langegg pilgrimage church . In the foreground the central dome with the portrait “Maria, Heil der Kranken”, then the ceiling fresco on the choir arch with the title “Annunciation” and the presbytery dome with the theme “Birth of Mary”.
High altar painting by Josef Adam Ritter von Mölk, Taborkirche in Weiz
Mölk's signature in the parish church in Hall

Joseph Adam Ritter von Mölk (also Mölck, Mölckh) (born March 17, 1718 in Vienna-Rodaun ; † February 18, 1794 ibid) was an Austrian fresco and panel painter . His father was the Viennese church painter Mathias Mölk from Vorarlberg .


From 1728 to 1733 Mölk enjoyed his training at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna , his subsequent years of wandering led him through southern Germany and he was influenced by the great artists of the southern German Rococo . He was appointed Bavarian electoral court painter . In 1755 he was given the title of "Court Chamber Painter in Tyrol", and in 1774 Empress Maria Theresia raised him to the nobility with the title "Knight of Mölk".

Mölk's works were initially characterized by his father's training and were later influenced by Andrea Pozzo's perspective illusion painting . After his trip to Venice in 1759, the works of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo also played an important role for him . Mölk met Martin Johann Schmidt (Kremser Schmidt) during his work in Lower Austria . An artistic influence of Mölk by Schmidt can be seen in the later works.

Mölk furnished more than 40 churches , monasteries and castles with paintings.

He was known and already controversial in his day as a quick painter who left a lot to his assistants. He was sometimes active in several plants in different places at the same time. The large number of his Tyrolean frescoes shows that he was actually able to create his paintings at high speed.



  • Johann Kronbichler, Manfred Koller, Christiane Pilshofer: Josef Adam Mölk (1714–1794). His work in Lower Austria and Vienna. Episcopal Ordinariate, St. Pölten 1994, ISBN 3-900884-05-6 .
  • Elfriede Werthan , Richard Jindra: Joseph Adam Mölk: New research, sources, facts . E. Werthan, Graz 2010, ISBN 978-3-901630-11-8 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joseph Adam Mölk - New facts about the late baroque painter. Retrieved January 7, 2011 .
  2.,_Joseph_Adam Retrieved on March 29, 2014
  3. ^ Josef Adam Mölk (or Mölck). Retrieved January 7, 2011 .
  4. ^ Karl Lechner: Church and monastery of the Servites in Rossau. 1970, p. 31.

Web links

Commons : Josef Adam Mölk  - Collection of images, videos and audio files