Joseph Candolfi

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Joseph Candolfi (born July 15, 1922 in Reconvilier ; † August 7, 2011 in Bellach ) was a Swiss Roman Catholic clergyman and auxiliary bishop in Basel .


Joseph Candolfi graduated from primary and secondary school in Moutier . After attending the Institut les Côtes in Le Noirmont , the Ecole du Roquet in Trévoux, France and at the College of St. Charles in Porrentruy , he passed his Matura at the College of Karl Borromäum in Altdorf in 1942 . He studied Catholic theology and philosophy at the theological faculty in Lucerne (1942–1944), Freiburg (1944–1946) and at the seminary in Solothurn (1946–1947). He was ordained a priest on July 1, 1947 by the Basel Bishop Franziskus von Streng . After pastoral work in Riehen Candolfi in 1950 with the ecumenical work , the mixed marriages in Switzerland doctorate . He was vicar in Saint-Ursanne from 1950 to 1952 and head of the French-speaking Mission (Mission française) in Bern from 1952 to 1966 , then pastor of Saint-Imier and dean of the St. Imier-Biel chapter. In 1968 he was appointed vicar general for the French-speaking part of the diocese of Basel. In 1971 he was appointed resident canon of the state of Bern, and in 1977 dean of the cathedral chapter of the diocese of Basel in Solothurn.

Pope John Paul II appointed him titular bishop of Frequentium on June 1, 1983 and appointed him auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Basel . The Bishop of Basel, Otto Wüst , donated him episcopal consecration on June 29, 1983 in the Cathedral of St. Urs and Viktor in Solothurn ; Co- consecrators were the retired Bishop of Basel, Anton Hänggi , and Henri Schwery , Bishop of Sitten . His episcopal motto was Omnibus omnia factus sum ("I have become everything to everyone"). In 1993 he was Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Basel after Otto Wüst left and in 1995 after Hansjörg Vogel resigned .

Candolfi was President of the Swiss Bishops' Conference from 1989 to 1991 , the first auxiliary bishop ever. He headed various commissions, including the one for questions of the lay apostolate, for services and offices in the church and for pastoral care for people on the move.

On March 30, 1996, Pope John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bishops' conference commemorates Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Candolfi In: August 8, 2011, accessed on August 9, 2011.