Carl Trotsche

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Carl Heinrich Christoph Trotsche , also: Karl Trotsche (born October 21, 1803 in Lübeck ; † January 28, 1879 in Rostock ) was a German lawyer and court president of the Higher Appeal Court for Mecklenburg and, after the political events of 1848, a member of the constituent Chamber of Deputies in Schwerin.


Carl Trotsche apparently came from an old Güstrow family. Probably as the nephew of the Güstrow mayor Carl Heinrich Christoph Trotsche (1769–1836) he was born in Lübeck as the son of the administrative officer Christoph Diederich Trotsche (* 1774) and his wife Gertrude Anna, born in Güstrow. Firgan (* 1776) was born in Lübeck. In 1809 the parents returned to Güstrow, where the father is later occupied as a clerk.

Carl Trotsche spent the formative years of his childhood and youth in Güstrow. He attended the Cathedral School Güstrow , was Easter 1821, the High School and then studied in Rostock and Göttingen jurisprudence . There he became a member of the Mecklenburg Corps Vandalia Rostock (1825) and Vandalia Göttingen (1828).

Trotsche began his professional career in 1824 as a lawyer in Güstrow. Perhaps supported by the mayor mentioned, he worked as a municipal auditor in 1829. In 1832 he became a registrar and in 1839 a counselor in the Güstrow judicial office. Unusually early, at the age of just 30, he was appointed councilor in 1833. In 1845 Trotsche was appointed to the highest regional court at the Rostock Higher Appeal Court , of which he became vice-president in 1853 as the successor to the retired Friedrich Ackermann . Since 1872 he was its president.

Trotsche's period of service fell into the German Revolution of 1848/49 , which he followed closely. That is why he was elected by one of the two Güstrow electoral districts to the constituent Mecklenburg parliamentary assembly in Schwerin. In the election of the President of the Assembly of Representatives on November 3, 1848, Trotsche was defeated by his Rostock corps brother Moritz Wiggers by 42 votes against 57 . Politically, Trotsche was close to the left center. He served on the Justice Committee and the Committee on German Affairs.


  • The pledgee's right of pledge . Guestrow 1834.
  • Materials for a handbook of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Particular Civil Process . Opitz & Freg, Güstrow 1837. 2nd edition 1848/1853.
  • The Mecklenburg Civil Proceß . 3. Edition. Hinstorff Verlag, Wismar 1868.
  • Mecklenburg homeland laws with findings from the regional courts and comments . Rostock 1866.
  • About guardianship for absentees and their assets . Rostock 1866.


The law faculty of the University of Rostock awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1865 for his scientific work and publications . On the occasion of his 25th anniversary of service at the Court of Appeal on April 5, 1870, he became an honorary citizen of Rostock and in 1874, the year of his 50th anniversary, Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II awarded him the Grand Commander's Cross of the House Order of the Wendish Crown .



Printed sources

Unprinted sources

  • State Main Archive Schwerin (LHAS)
    • LHAS 5.11-2 Landtag negotiations , Landtag assemblies , Landtag minutes and Landtag committee.
  • City archive Güstrow
    • Eidbuch 1799–1845 (excerpt)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910, 185 , 120; 87 , 217
  2. ^ Report on the negotiations of the constituent Mecklenburg Landtag. In: Leaves for free folklore. Neustrelitz (1848), 20 (Nov. 12). P. 161f.