Katharina Felder (sculptor)

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Katharina Maria Felder , also Maria Katharina Felder (born January 15, 1816 in Ellenbogen near Bezau , Bregenzerwald , † February 13, 1848 in Berlin ) was an Austrian sculptor .


Katharina Felder was the daughter of the farmer Balthasar Felder and his wife Walburga, nee. Bitschnau. At the age of 22 she was discovered and promoted by a patroness, so that in 1838 she was able to begin an apprenticeship with the grand ducal court painter Marie Ellenrieder in Constance . There she was taught by master draftsman Biedermann and the sculptor Egger. In 1839 she went to Munich with Maria Ellenrieder and continued her training there with Professor Josef Schlotthauer , Peter von Cornelius and in Ludwig Schwanthaler's studio .

At the invitation of Susanne Schinkel , whom she had met in Munich, Katharina Felder came to Berlin and was introduced to the court sculptor Professor Christian Daniel Rauch there . Presumably she also lived in the Schinkel house for a while and was able to make various contacts. Not long after her arrival in Berlin she received orders from Queen Elisabeth .

After a short trip to her homeland, she died of paralysis . Her last place of residence is the Royal Building School in the church register.

Throughout her entire life, Katharina Felder wore a promise made in her native Bregenzerwald women's costume , a Juppe made of glossy black canvas; even in Munich and Berlin.


Saint George in the entrance hall of the former Pallottine Chapel, Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein

Although not many works by Katharina Felder have survived or are identifiable, she must have had a remarkable talent. She always completed her work in a short time and to the satisfaction of her clients.

During her school days she had preferred to carve crucifixes rather than embroidery. It was through this cabaret that she got to know her first patrons and sponsors, a married couple named Berlocher from Rorschach. She later received an order from them to make two wooden processional pictures.

For her first teacher, Marie Ellenrieder, she made the sandstone group "Faith, Love, Hope". This should be set up in the Konstanz Minster.

From her time in Berlin, there is a relief with St. George , which she created in 1845 for Field Marshal Karl Friedrich von dem Knesebeck . For a long time this relief was placed in a vineyard below Ehrenbreitstein Fortress and hidden by hedges until it was uncovered for the BUGA 2011. After damage from a wall collapse in winter 2012/2013 and subsequent salvage and restoration, the relief has been in the entrance hall of the former Pallottine Chapel in the Koblenz district of Ehrenbreitstein since 2015 .

In the Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin there are two small plaster peasant figures, which were also made around 1845, but their origin has not yet been clearly established.


Altar in the chapel Sankt Sebastian, Oberbezau with the statue of Saint Sebastian by Katharina Felder


Individual evidence

  1. according to a publication by Franz Josef Vonbun, 1848 - however, this information about Katharina Felder and the placement in Marie Ellenrieder's studio via the said patron cannot be verified.
  2. However, her name is not to be found in the student list of the famous Berlin sculptor and Christian Daniel Rauchs, who is related to Schinkel.
  3. a b c d e Bezau municipal office (ed.): Places and people in Bezau . 2013, p. 15 ( issuu.com [accessed on November 7, 2019] A project of the culture committee of the market town of Bezau).
  4. Detlef Schöning: Terracotta relief St. St. Georg from 1845 . Koblenz February 2018 (compendium kindly provided by the author).
  5. a b Exhibition Struggle for Visibility. Artists of the Nationalgalerie before 1919 Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin. October 11, 2019 - March 8, 2020.
  6. Tourist associations and offices (ed.): Time travel (through the witus communities) . 2015, p. 39 ( issuu.com [accessed on November 7, 2019] Bezau Reuthe Bizau Mellau Schnepfau).
  7. a b General Artist Lexicon - International Artist Database . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2009 ( degruyter.com - no general access).
  8. Catalog about the plastic art objects in the Landes-Museum (Ferdinandeum) in Innsbruck . In: Publications of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum . tape 3/19 , 1875, pp. 1–26 , here p. 5 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).