Kids station

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Infobox radio tower icon
Kids station
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
Program type Division program
reception Cable , satellite
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission April 1, 1993
language Japanese
List of TV channels

Kids Station ( Japanese キ ッ ズ ス テ ー シ ョ ン , Kizzu Sutēshon ) is a Japanese television channel that shows anime and other cartoons . The main target group are children and young people . The program is broadcast 24 hours and can be received via cable TV and satellite .


The station began operations on April 1, 1993 in Japan. An HD version was first broadcast on October 1, 2009. 2017 was Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan a joint venture with Mitsui & Co. known.

Shown series



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mark Schilling: Sony and Japan's Mitsui Launch Animation Joint Venture. In: Variety. Retrieved September 19, 2017 (English).