Corn poppy stink Pippau

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Corn poppy stink Pippau
Corn poppy stink pippau (Crepis foetida subsp.rhoeadifolia)

Poppy-Stink-Pippau ( Crepis foetida subsp. Rhoeadifolia )

Family : Daisy family (Asteraceae)
Subfamily : Cichorioideae
Tribe : Cichorieae
Genre : Pippau ( Crepis )
Type : Stink-Pippau ( Crepis foetida )
Subspecies : Corn poppy stink Pippau
Scientific name
Crepis foetida subsp. rhoeadifolia
( M.Bieb. ) Čelak.

The poppy-stink Pippau ( Crepis foetida subsp. Rhoeadifolia) , also poppy sheet Pippau called, is a subtype of type stink Pippau ( Crepis foetida ) in the genus Pippau ( Crepis ) in the subfamily of Cichorioideae within the family of the Asteraceae ( Asteraceae). It is widespread in Europe , Western Asia and the Caucasus .


Section of a whole inflorescence with some flower heads, the bracts are also easy to see

Vegetative characteristics

The Klatschmohn-Stink-Pippau is an annual to biennial herbaceous plant that typically reaches heights of between 20 and 40 centimeters. The karbolähnlich smelling milky juice are all plant parts, especially the root , an unpleasant odor. All parts of the plant above ground are hairy. The leaves are serrated to wide-indented, the blade of the lower leaves is narrowed into the petiole while the upper leaves sit on the stem with a hollowed base .

Generative characteristics


The flowering time in Central Europe extends from June to mid- October . In a total inflorescence there are usually several to many basket-shaped partial inflorescences, which nod when budding. The flower heads have a diameter of 30 to 35 millimeters. The shell usually has no or only a few glandular hairs. The outer bracts are 1 to 1.5 millimeters wide and reach up to 2/3 the length of the inner ones . The bottom of the basket is hairy.

In the flower baskets there are only yellow ray florets with yellow styles . While the inner achenes are 10 to 13 millimeters long and have a long, almost hair-shaped beak , the outer achenes are only 5 to 7 millimeters long and have a shorter and stronger beak. The pappus is pure white.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 10.


The poppy poppy stink Pippau is a therophyte to hemicryptophyte .

Occurrence and endangerment

The poppy-stink pippau is native to Central , Eastern and Southeastern Europe , France , Western Asia , the Caucasus and Turkmenistan . In the German-speaking area, the poppy-stink pippau is indigenous only in Austria , in Germany it appears as a new citizen , in Switzerland it is only inconsistent .

In Austria the poppy stink pippau occurs frequently in the Pannonian region , otherwise only rarely on moderately dry ruderal areas such as earth cracks, gravel pits, roadsides, loading areas and railway gravel in the colline altitude . The permanent occurrences are limited to the federal states of Vienna , Lower Austria and Burgenland , the inconsistent ones to Upper Austria , Styria , Carinthia and Salzburg . In Tyrol , the unstable occurrences of the past have become extinct again, in the northern and southeastern Alpine foothills the poppy stink Pippau is endangered.

The poppy-stink Pippau loves chalk .


In the species Stink-Pippau ( Crepis foetida L. ) several subspecies can be distinguished:

  • Crepis foetida subsp. foetida
  • Crepis foetida subsp. glandulosa (C. Presl) Arcang. : It occurs in Spain, Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, Switzerland, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.
  • Crepis foetida subsp. rhoeadifolia (M. Bieb.) Čelak.
  • Crepis foetida subsp. sitiaca Rech. f. : It only occurs in Crete.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Crepis foetida subsp. rhoeadifolia in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved July 5, 2013.
  2. a b c d e f Manfred A. Fischer, Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Excursion flora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol . 3rd, improved edition. Province of Upper Austria, Biology Center of the Upper Austrian State Museums, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 , p. 968 .
  3. ^ Tropicos. [1]
  4. a b c d Werner Greuter (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). - In: W. Greuter & E. von Raab-Straube (eds.): Compositae. Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Datasheet Crepis foetida In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.


  • Manfred A. Fischer, Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Excursion flora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol . 3rd, improved edition. Province of Upper Austria, Biology Center of the Upper Austrian State Museums, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 , p. 968 .

Web links

Commons : Crepis foetida  - album with pictures, videos and audio files