Combine industrial mast

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Eberswalde slaughter and processing plant

The Industrial Fattening Combine (KIM) was a state-owned form of operation in agriculture (especially animal production ) in the GDR from the late 1960s . In this Kombinat especially broilers (were in large enterprises Broiler ), geese , eggs , pigs and beef cattle produced. Such establishments were distributed throughout the GDR. The poultry production companies were also disparagingly called “chicken concentration camps ”. For the advertising, the abbreviation KIM became “Delicious! Always fresh from the market! ”Repurposed.

The herd sizes of the individual farms were extraordinarily high, there were farms with up to 1 million laying hens, 1.6 million chickens or 200,000 pigs. These large stocks were the associated large droppings - and manure amounts environmental concern, and also the prevention of animal diseases was difficult.

KIM operation Broiler Mast Möckern

KIM locations were u. a .:


  • Ulbrich, Reinhard: Trace of the broilers. We and our golden east. , Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-499-60780-8
  • Heck, Dieter & Scheffler, Ute: Der Goldbroiler , BuchVerlag für die Frau, Leipzig 2001, ISBN 3-89798-042-8
  • Poutrus, Patrice G .: The invention of the gold broiler. About the connection between securing power and consumption development in the GDR . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne u. a., ISBN 3-412-14400-2

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Language in the GDR. Birgit Wolf, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 2000. ISBN 3110164272 ( page 120 ).
  2. "Oh, if only I were a chicken". Documentary, GDR, 1975.
  3. "DDR Cookbook". Hans Otzen, Komet Verlag 2004. ISBN 3898363503 .
  4. ZWA Eberswalde: Wastewater pollution from industrial animal production .